First Snowfall

18 5 1

I am sitting here
Staring out my window
Thinking of my story
How I have been defeated
After time
After time
I just give up
No purpous
No thought train
I just am
And then as I breath
And sit in tranquility
The first snowfall becomes
Right out side the glass
And I just sit and watch these flakes
Fall to the ground
Just like I have been doing
Only they are much more graceful
And I smile
Through all of the pain
The drama
The lies
Through the words he never said
And the promises he never kept
Through the words like knifes he stabbed into me
Through the booming yell of my mother's voice
And the destruction in her eyes
Through sadness that my sister hides
That breaks me every time
And through the missing him
And his hands that still haunt me
The feeling of them taking away my peace of mind
And through the shattering of my heart
And shattering of my mind
And shattering of my soul
And the text he never answered
And through the tricks that they played
And through my anxiety
And the burning cuts that show defeat
I smile.
Because to see something this pure
This gentle
This soft
It reminds me that somethings stay beautiful
Even when the world around it

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