Dignity Dissaprovals

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We cater to your every deficiency
And overate your credit
We bow our heads
To injustice
And you deflect our prayers
Our philanthropy
And crush our vainglory
Until the sun sets tears
And the eyes that watch
Drown in a black Sea
The old and withered woman
Transformed into the clone
you constructed
Scared by self enmity
Why does this persecution
Deserve the attention given
You have a pack
Of equal individuals

        Ones to make us suffer
                   Every word

Every stare
Every rumor
Chips away a little bit more
Of the ancient diamond
That we were
The old laughs
Replaced with
Diagnosed anxiety
And depression is normality
Pillows stained black by
No washing out this pain
It lingers in my heart
And poisons all who come near
The falling snow
A common pleasure
Destroyed by flashbacks
And triggers
Smiles look like scars to me
And I make out bullets
In your eyes
The light blue death wish
I said my last words

We drown in this game you call popularity
And we are shoved aside
Dignity Dissaprovals

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