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Two chairs
Face away from each other
The backs of each tied together with rope

You sit in one
I sit in the other
We cannot see each other
Nor can we talk or listen

But we know we are bonded
We sit and dwell
over the others thoughts
Tourcherd by the unknown
Our minds are playing tricks
Magic show
Presented by the obssetion over nothing
This addiction worsens
Branding our minds
Stuck on you
Your name is engraved
into my brain
Nothing but a
beautiful nightmare

But what if I just got up and left
Stood from my chair
And walked out the door
Would you even notice
Would you eventually walk away anyways
Imagining me still sitting
Tied to oblivion
Or would you stay there
for as long as eternity
Waiting for the ropes to decay
So that the chairs can turn
And we can embrace what once was faded

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