Dear Ancestors...

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Our world now
is not as it used to be
I remember when
Native Americans walked the lands
Bare feet danced in loose soil
Arms reached up to grasp the clean air
Embracing natures light

Thank you God of the sun for lighting our world and giving us heat to bask in
Thank you God of the trees for shading us from danger
Thank you rain for watering our crops so we have food for hard winters ahead
Thank you animals for providing us enough meat to keep healthy
Thank you God of the moon for letting us dance under your night so we can stay purified

We have lost this thankfulness
How did we go from beauty
To fake
In just a small amount of time

Thank you makeup for covering all of our natural beauty and making us self conscious
Thank you tight clothes for getting me more attention and false affection
Thank you cell phone for making me a coward, and letting me hide behind text messages I could never say in person
Thank you social media for letting me create a fake persona so all of my confidence is devoured by
Thank you mother earth for giving us materials to create giant shopping malls that pollute what once was restful

Since when did these turn into priority
I'm sorry for turning this beautiful land you once cherished into a
Technological trash land
I'm sorry for destroying what you hoped would be a world that blossomed and turning it into a nothing

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