Killing Hope

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They are a red flag
Warning sign
Cry for help
A dimond
Bleeding with weakness
So if you are observant enough to see them
Do not walk right pass
Or crack a joke
Like you carelessly did that day
It hurt me deep
And you skipped away laughing
My life is not a comedy
But that is what you title it
You mess around with hearts
And balance glass on finger tips
Little do you know
If you would have been there
And stood by my side
You would have gotten all of me
I need somebody that will hold me close
Because I am leaving the one I had in mind
I'm so reliant
I'm so dependent
I'm such a fool
If you would have stayed
You would have realized
How fragile
And weak
I really am
But the love that I can give
Is as strong as titanium
And you could have had a chance
To be loved by somebody
Truly cared about by me
And that is not something to smash
Becauase when I choose to love
I do not take it lightly
But instead you would rather boast
Telling every weakened ear
That you are better
Murdering every thought of
An easy night
Saying you win every game you play
But you only play the game of joking around with my trust
And you only you engage in the sport of
Killing hope

To: The guy I sat with on the bus
Who only laughed in my face
He used to be a friend
And i entrusted him with all
But then out of nowhere he turned on me and killed all of my hope
Of ever getting better

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