I love You

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Your blue eyes lighten the weight
That hangs on my shoulders
Your laugh melts me
Your smile gives me hope
I love everything about you
But I've yet to show that
I've been hiding out
Drowning myself in thought
I push you away
And I see the hurt I give you
Every day I say
"I just can't play today"
I watch you cringe
And stay silent
When you listen to constant fights with me and mom
And I can't bare to see you hurt
You are my sunshine
And I darken your rays
I'm sorry.
I'm not the playmate I used to be
Or the best friend
I'm darker
But your too innocent to see that
But I'm glad
I don't want you to be exposed to the real world
I want to cradle you
Stroke your cheek
And wipe away your tears
I want to fight off any darkness that tries to harm you
I want to keep you pure
And safe
You deserve a world of candy
A world of sweet things
You don't deserve
the world I live in
You are much more precious
I promise.
That for the rest of my life I will protect you
You must not know the pain I know
You must continue to be a joyful little dancing flame
And I will try not to dampen your ember
You are me little baby
Dont worry
It will all be ok
Just lay your head down in my arms
And remember that I will love you until the end of time

To: My sister Emma, the joy of my life <3

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