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I walk with him
his heat presses on me as we proceed
stiff muscles lumber on
breaths sacred and powerful
piercing eyes stare ahead
I can see a mirage of blue deep inside of them
our savior
so concentrated on uncontrollable danger before us
we inhale poison but somehow we keep our steady pace
no stopping us
skin getting eaten away by bugs that wont break at anything to kill our onward trudge
we don't know where we are going
probably to the end
the space around us utterly vacant
a yellow orange haze
our essence is barbarous and untamed
we are savage
but then he stops
his wild eyes look up at me and his face softens
for a long while we gaze at each other
as we are transfixed, the world as we used to know it circals in
our open space is now occupied with where our old memories took place
I look up for a second to notice this change
then I look back in the tigers direction and he is gone
instead I see my face in the reflection of a near by pond
this water that was once a mirage
our savior
was the water that I saw in the tigers eyes.

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