The Path Less Travled

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I once walked down
A dark and lonely path
With only conscience by my side
This scratchy whisper I did not fallow
So I walked with impulse
As we trudged down this road
We came to a fork

One path looked smooth.
and the sun seemed to cast its rays upon the dirt  as far as the eye could see.
Critters chirped and every inch of this road looked lively
Footprints were left in a trail
The path most traveled

The other path looked unclear
Covered in mist
And mystery
Shadows danced on the rocks effortlessly
And the trees whistled
Begging me to enter
The winds seemed to push me towards this trail
Somewhere deep inside of me
My heart told me he was the one
So in order to have him
This path will lead me there
This was the path less traveled

So of course I did what any child would do.
I picked the clear path and it led me into a world of sincerity
I joined the others
As one of them
And carried on a typical life.
A life of normality
A life of dullness
There was something missing
He never came
I thought this was the best way
To find him eventually one day
So I think back
To where I may have gone wrong

And I remember the path
The one my heart was drawn towards
And now I understand
The the path less traveled
Was where my conscience should have been
But I let my impulse win.

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