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Many don't understand anxiety.

Anxiety is waking up and not wanting to leave your bed because you don't trust yourself to keep it together in public.

Anxiety is being scared to get close to somebody because you think you will get closer to them then they will ever be to you

Anxiety is thinking people are watching you when you are all alone. Having to be "presentable" at all times because they are always watching.

Anxiety is being to scared to use scissors in front of people because you can't control your triggers.

Anxiety is not wanting to confide if people because you don't want to be too self centered

Anxiety is being scared that you are going crazy.
Convincing yourself that you are not normal.
A freak.
And then worried that other people see it too.

Anxiety is worrying that one day he will disappear.
Leave you.
Scared that you will never get his lips again.
Worrying that you will never find love.

Anxiety is walking around the halls
On the outside
But screaming the fuck out
On the inside

Anxiety is worrying that you will die
With every mistake.
But at the same time not mattering if it were to ever happen.

Anxiety is playing silly games in your head to make yourself concrete.
But you never change from play dough

Anxiety is being scared to sit in class and keep from screaming every time somebody looks at you.

Anxiety is really wanting people to like you.
But not wanting to talk to them because they will think your needy.

Anxiety is worrying that you love him to much.
Worrying that when he leaves.
You will have to cover up with long sleeves to hide the pain.

Anxiety is worrying people are talking to you
Being nice
Caring about you
Staying with you
Out of pity.

Anxiety is sleepless nights of worry.
No sleep.
Only tears.
Fears of the dark.
The monsters are coming.

Anxiety is being scared to live because you are scared to die.


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