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Their words flow easy

they come quick and witty

no trying

no strain

they all laugh and play around

but I stand here bound

There are things I want to say

but my mind cautions me. 

with fears of their reactions 

Fears of what they'll think.

So I will stand here and play along

smile when you smile

chuckle when you laugh

and pretend that this is me.

I've never felt that I have been a part

included in this bond

a broken link

on the end of this chain

is all that 

I will remain

Shielded from the unknown

by blankness in my eyes

I am a chameleon 

blend into you and mold your form

fit in to your brilliance 

I stand on outsides of the crowd

and watch and try to learn

how to act and be

change me for us

and focus on blending

camouflage in colors that are them

try to be what is in

because I am a chameleon.

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