Have Not Kissed a Man

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I have not kissed a man
But I have kissed a Ghost
A lifeless wanderer
The feeling of ash covered controversy
The crippled skin
Still stained on my apple lips
Tattooed into my hip
Are your claws
That took away my innocence
For a moments time
Your imature moistened palm
Still lingers on places
In which it was not welcome

I have not kissed a man
Nor have I loved
Like I was fooled to believe
I admit
Now to writing poetry
Under the influence
Of his trickery
The words
False as a tail
I once I chased in circals
Rotating in a daze
Weak were his arguments
The ones I couldent break

I have not Kissed a man
But I long to feel an authentic embrace
I yearn to feel the pleasure
The one that they all talk about
The hands that work magic
And the truthful lyrics that flow like streams
trickling down my heart
To feel lips of complete compassion
Ones that leave no trace
No instant flashbacks of terror
Exept for the feeling of your body

I have not kissed a man
But I have kissed a ghost

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