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If I told you how I really felt would you shut me out.
If I told you that I really cared would you just let go.
I always wonder why others cannot know.
I wish that you would tell me just what you want
So I would know weather or not to hold on
But then if you said you didn't want me the way that I want you
I don't think that I could bare the thought of never coming to
Your nervous voice
Your dark and painful eyes
The small and harmless lies
And jokes that made my darkness fade.
Your smile that put one on my face.
Your lips that seemed to ease my pain.
I don't know what I would do if these things that I love never came.
So I stay here not knowing.
Holding on to air.
Wishing for the answer
Waiting for us get there.
To a place of equilibrium
Where we know each others needs.
Will I ever know exactly how you feel.
Will what we have ever turn into something real.
Is that what you want.
Or do you want us to be floating
In this unknown
Created out of fear.
Will the balance ever be here.

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