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We have one life
And if you think about it
Its pretty silly
We all live in one home
Go to one school
Hang with the same people
Talk about and do the same things
And there is only space for enough
And once we have reached that limit
We call it life
There is a world out there
Beyond your bubble
There are places to go
People to meet
New things to try
New things to learn
And this is why I laugh
At there seriousness
We are so small
And they beleive
They are the epitome of complete
When really we are just a spec
A meaningless soal
Please use this pointless shell of a "life"
And make it something

And that is what they tell me
Believing that there is "something"
To be made
When really
They must not know me
I AM nothing
If I was something
I would not have believed his lies
Or lied to them
Or brought her into darkness
Or triggered her
Or saddened my sister
Or overloaded her with vents
Or cries for help
I would not have failed them
But I did
And for that
I am nothing
I don't deserve anything
I definitly dont deserve him
But he believes I am beauty
Ha ha ha
If I could go back
I would have ended it
Before all of this happend
Before I infected everyone around me
This is why
I am nothing
If i were something
I would not be in this place
This school
This home
My "life"
Its just an illusion

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