To Leave

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I will leave at some point
I know this is for sure
My life will seem real
I will get away from this blur

It could be for a night
Or maybe for a week
But this won't matter
Because I've let out my last weep

I'm done feeling sorry
While crying on my own
I'm drifting on the unclear road
Where contrast isent shown

So when I leave
I'll go and look upon the outside world
Ill think of what went wrong
Where is the missing link
Because my understanding is gone

To leave
is to pause
And look for what your missing

So that's why tonight Ill grab my bag
And walk out the door at 12
Quite, I will creep down the street and into the woods
And there I will shed a tear.
A single drop to show that I am weak
And then I'll drown out the drama
I'll drown out his chatter
I'll gaze up at the moon and the stars and see how small I am

To leave
is to give up
Not on life
Quite yet
But to be done with this road I've traveled heavily
I'll turn the path and begin a knew trail


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