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I'm shattering
Off of this cliff we call normal
He tipped me off of the edge
And now he is watching me
And laughing
His eyes smirk at my terror
And I flail
I can't do this alone
I need somebody to catch me
Coution my fall
But I'm not a damsel in distress
I've already been that
I need the kind of help
That only words can give
The words to stop my plan
When it comes in play
Because I know it will
I don't go back on promises
And I've sworn this to myself
Repeated the reasons
why I should
My mantra as my mother talks
And he touches me
And they joke
And the knife draws blood
And my mascara colors my pillow
The list only goes on
I need the kind of help
That will stop this storm
That will stop this hell
And the only only thing worthy of this victory
Are the things that sit in the drawer of my desk

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