Im Done

17 5 2

I'm done
Writing pathetic poetry about you
Kissing your loathsome lips
And tasting your abhorrent
I'm done holding your sweaty hand
And getting down graded
By your discourtesy
I'm done
With your gimmick
And the hands that make me cringe
And flash back to the days
You felt me
Without asking
I'm done
With the lies that slither out of your fictitious mouth
I'm done
Giving you ten times what you give me
You are not worth my lyrics
I'm done
writing you notes
That you only toss aside
And I'm done watching you drool
Over other girls
While I stand there abandoned

I'm done
These things I hold true
I despise you

But I'm to weak
To let go
Of the thing that has established
The wrong me

So therefor
I cannot be done
So I'll suffer through your bullets
And hope to stay in tact

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