A Letter

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Disclaimer: So this is not exactly the most poetic poem, like its not really a poem but more of just a letter that's strait forward. Its to/about a really good friend.

You are the most wonderful boy I have met.
And I wouldent say that if I didn't mean it
One of the most amazing friends
Your smile lightens this weight on my shoulders
Your happiness calms this raging storm
And your laugh quiets my demonds
Friends are like chains
And I've neglected this bond
Drowned it in my rants and darkness
And you have moved on
Found other friends that only give you joy
And I'm sure you drifted
Because I only casted a mourning shadow
But the truth is
I miss you.
You have the biggest heart
The most accepting soul
And I have yet to show you
How much you mean to me

On the outside
I might seem
And a little messy
But the truth is
I'm drowning
But I'm trying
Trying to find myself again
The happy Sophia
The mad hatter
I used to be the sun
And now I only dampen rays

I see things that is hard
For other people to see.
I see hurt
In eyes that smile
And I see love
In eyes that frown
I see the light
In the darkest things
And the dark
In the lightest things
But I only see the glass half empty
And I'm sorry
But its hard to fill.
Its hard
And often it seems impossible
Because my mind runs
It flys on the winds of change
Of a hurricane
But I can see.
The people that are not worth the chase
And there are people that love, and blossom.
And that is you.
I think it's hard for you to see
The impact you make on people
You light them up.
You know that?
I want you to see how important you are to me
And if you want to stay with me
Although I am broken
Then please stay
But if you want to leave
And run to the others
Than do what you want
Because that is what will make me happy.
And I know.
I have not taken your advice.
He was no good for me.
But I held on
Because I have been feeling so alone.
But now,
I see what you have been trying to tell me.
And I'm going to drift from him.
Shut him out.
Because he only caused me lots pain.
You are one of the most important people to me.
And thank you for

To: my friend Jordan.

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