Chapter 16

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Rana's POV

"Rana are you ok?" I heard David asking me repeatedly. I could hear him but my anxiety took over me. I am claustrophic since I was six years old. I could barely breath my heart started to raise faster and  faster every second. I closed my eyes and all the memories from my past had hit me in a blink of an eye. The pain that I was trying to avoid for so long had followed in me no matter what.
Before I know it someone was shaking me I look and see David with worried eyes. Trying to distract me from my thoughts.
"Rana listen to me, you'll be fine just breath" he said while holding my hands. I wanted to push away but I was to weak.

"Why me?, why this happened to me to my parents why?" I cried. I couldnt handle anymore the pain the pressure. My eyes were probably red by now. I didn't care if I looked weak or embarrassing in front of him.I was hurt and tried to hide for so long but I couldnt take anymore I was done. All the power I had it was gone what left was pain. "Shhhh its ok you will be fine I am here now"he said while hugging me.
"I was six years old, when one midnight the soldiers came to our house my father hid me in the basement, he kissed my forehead and said I love you one last time before the soldiers arrested him, they took  both of my parents, I was locked alone in the  basement for hours" I remembered just like it was yesterday. I was alone in the dark.  My tears was dripping from my eyes without me controlling it. David whipped the tears out away.
"I screamed for help but no one heard my voice, then my mother found me unconscious, from that day on i cant stay in closed placed and that is why i always used the stairs" I looked at him, I can tell by his expression he was worried, then he hugged me closer to him. I know this is wrong but I was too weak move away.

We were quiet, just hugging each other we were afraid to let go of each we both knew that its not going to last for long. After the door opens we know were going to go our separate ways. I know he is going to go to his girlfriend. Even thinking about makes me hurt, but its the truth. Even I avoided him for so long, it didn't work. I was interrupted of my thoughts when David spoke. Separated from the hug.
"Rana I don't want to let go of you of us" he said in soft tone while looking at my eyes. I closed my eyes and a tear fell out.
"We both know after that door opens we're not going to be together"I said in serious tone wishing he could understand.
"No I don't know that, I don't want to know, Rana I don't know how did it happened but Rana I lo..." I covered his lips with my hand didn't want to hear it, especially not here when I am weak. He took my hand which was still covering his lips and kissed it. I removed my hand fast didn't expect he would do that.
"Astaghfirullah" I whisper to myself.
He looked at me came closer and closer until the lights came back hoping the doors will open too.
I quickly got up from the floor packed my stuff into my purse.
Once the door was opened I saw Kathrine ran toward David and hugged him. I look at him one last time and walk away with pain in my heart.

The Thin Line Between Us( Love and Drama) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now