Chapter 12

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Ranas POV

Couple of hours have past I was outside the hotel in the pool area, the reason why I wasnt inside with others its because of the heavy smell of alcohol, drinking alcohol for Muslim's is forbidden. Anyhow I was staring at the sky, I was surprised that the where no stars, there was only moon. If it was back home in Palestine it would have been different.

I closed my eyes and start imagining but thats when all my memories flash before my eyes.

The bombs, guns,fire screaming of children blood. Before I know it I felt a tear, I quickly whipped it before anyone sees it.

I felt someone was behind me I quickly got up, without even looking I walked past him but stoped when I realized who it was.

"Mr.Stasi?" it was dark I barely notice that it was him.

"Yes its me" he said then came closer. I moved a little back, so there will be distance between us.

"What were you doing here" he said.

"I was sitting and watching the moon" I said.

He sat on the chair that I was sitting.

"Can we talk please" he said with a calm voice I sat beside him because that was the only chair they had. It was silent for couple of minutes before he spoke gain.

"You dont like smell of the alcohol do you?" he asked before looking at me.

"Yes" I said quietly.

"May I ask you a question" he said, for a second I became nervous I looked at him.

"What happened to you and to your family in Palestine?" he said while looking at me. My blood boiled I didnt know what to do I wanted to get away from him now, so I stood up about to leave thats when he grabs my arm and spins me around to face him.

"Its just a question why are making a big deal out of it" he said.

I was angry for him it might be just a quetion but for me it was more than that it was my life my past I wanted to let it stay in the past if I go back I would never be the same person as I am now.

"None of your business, thats my life I wont share it with no one" I was angry why is he asking about my life, he is just my boss he has no right to know about my family.

"You know What, thats it I will tell Mr. Kraski tomorrow that I want to quit the job since you're trying so hard to make me quit, well congratulations you have succeded." I said before waling away but once again I failed before knew it he grabbed my arm spun me around to face him but I lost my balance and I hit him on his chest we were really close our eyes were locked with each others the only light was the moon which was hitting his face, but then we were interrupted by a female voice. I quickly moved back and look at him .

"David baby where are you, lets go home and have some fun" she was probably drunk.She can barely walk.

"I have to go good bye sir" I said and walked away, before I exited I looked back at him for the last time, he was kissing her I dont know or what I dont why? but my heart ached.

While I was walking toward my car I thought of what happened back there. It was wrong what if we ended up doing something that I will regret for the rest of my life. Why didnt I stopped him when he moved me closer to him Why?

The next day after classes I went straight to work. I wanted to speak with Mr.Kraski. Once the elevator doors opened I was surprised to find Mr.David Stasi in front of my desk. He notice that I've came and look straight at me.

"My office now" he commanded with hard tone. I followed to his office, he close the door and then locked it. I didnt wanted to show that I was afraid of him locking the door I try to stay calm but its no use he has notice how afraid I was".

"Dont worry, I locked it so no-one would bother us" he said.

"I talked to Alex and after a month you'll be working in our other office, that way I dont have to see you again" he said harshly. I stood quietly not knowing what to say, this is what I wanted, what he wanted, then why do I feel hurt.

"Thank you now I have to go back to work" I said while turning around to exit  but I stopped remembering that the door was locked. He came beside me to unlock the door, once he opened the door. I exit his office.

He slam the door shut, I look back at his office my eyes softened I know I've been rude to him but this is the only way I can stay away from him. I am sorry for being this way. I sight heavily.

I was sitting in my desk typing some documents. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't concentrate on my work. One more month and then I dont have to see him again. I was cut off of my thoughts when a girl spoke.

"Excuse me" she said. I look at her, she seems familiar.

"Can you call David and tell him that his girlfriend waiting for him" she said while examining me. It was an awkward moment.

I dialed his office number and was waiting until he picked up the phone.

"Mr.Stasi your girlfriend is waiting for you" I said I dont know why but I felt pain in my heart when I found out that she was his girlfriend.

I shouldn't care.

I was cut off of my thoughts when David spoke.

"Tell her I'll be there in a minute" he said.

I hang up the call and told her what Davids said.

"Umm, why do you wear that thing?" she questioned.

"Religious purposes" I answered.

"What can be the purpose of that thing"she said with annoyed expression.

"That thing is called Hijab, we wear it because its a symbol of modesty, privacy and morality." I answered.

"What do you mean?" she asked again.

"It means not to display my beauty except my husband" I explained. She looked at me carefully.

"So you're not allowed to date?" she asked again.

"Yes we Muslims should only save ourselves for our future husband, imagine you date 3-4 guys in your life and then you get married with one of them, wont you feel guilty towards your beloved husband, that he wasn't the first one to hold hands or first time saying I love you." I said looking at her. She was about to say something but we were interrupted.

I looked to the side and saw David standing there listening to us.

I immediately looked down not making any eye contact and then it hit me Did he just heard everything I said? 

I look back up to see him hugging his girlfriend I looked away.

Once they left I breathed heavily, but yet there was disappointment in my heart.

The Thin Line Between Us( Love and Drama) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now