Chapter 21

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(Allah help our Muslim Brothers /Sisters whom ever is need of Help Amin)


Ranas POV

I cant believe after seven I see my childhood friend Yusuf. His mom was my Quran teacher and the one who thought me how to cook. I smiled as remembered the old times. Unfortunately they moved to Dubai, after that I never heard anything from them. I looked up and saw David giving Yusuf death glares, but why? I thought.
I looked back at Yusuf, which was still had a smile on his face.
"Rana go back to work" David said harshly,I looked up and saw him clenching his jaw and hands were in fist. I nodded my head and said my good byes and went to my desk. I looked up see them whispering something to each other and then Yusuf waved his hand as in bye. Then the elevator doors closed and I saw David walking towards my desk, before I could say anything David said "My office now" his tone was cold and harsh. I slowly followed him in his office.

When I walk in his office he closed the door behind me and locked it. I looked at him and gave him confuse stare. I didnt know what was his problem, why suddenly he change. He came closer and closer I moved back but due to the desk behind me I couldnt move any longer. We were dangerously close to each other. Finally after a moment I found my voice to speak.
"What are you doing?"I whispered as I locked my eyes with his. His eyes were dangerous, his touch was fire. I am doing no good to myself.
'Why I can not stop my heart, why cant I just let it go' I tought.
"Rana I don't like the way he is looking at you, I dont think he is sees you as a friend." He said and then moved even closer.
"What are you talking about, he is like a brother to me" I said he always protected me from bullies at school helped me with my homeworks.
"Rana, I know you see him as a brother, but.."before he could say anything else I cut him off.
"David if you think that I have feelings for him, then you are wrong" I said with calm voice, he cupped my face with his hands rested his forehead against mine. I was weak and helpless my knees couldnt hold on anymore my heart my mind was now his.
I wanted to move, I wanted to tell him its was wrong what we are doing but I couldnt, somehow I couldnt.
"Rana I rather die then see you with another man...." as soon as he said those words  I covered his mouth with back of my hand(palm). I looked up as a tear escaped from my eyes. I shook my head and removed his hands which were still cupping my face.
"Dont say such a thing please..., I already lost so many...... I cant handle loosing another important person in my life" I said between cries. His eyes became wider and quickly replaced with softness, he whipped my tears gently with his thumb.
"Rana I am going to go visit A Mosque on Friday, I want to know your religion, I wanted to give a try" he said while rubbing back of his neck. He does that whenever he is nervous. I looked up and gave him a smile but then the questions in my mind started to bother . 'What if he is studying Islam because of me, or want to convert because of me?'
If he wants to convert or study the religion first he should do it in name of Allah not because of me.
"I dont want you feel like I am pushing you to convert or something else, I want you to do it from the heart...." I said hoping I didnt sound too rude.
"When I first saw you with head cover, I thought it was silly but then when I heard you explain the reason behind it, it made sense and then whenever I see you pray you seemed in peace, which what I've been looking for it in a long time and I want to give a try for my sake as well" he said and then hold my hands, I quickly removed my hands which was burning from his touch. I nodded my head, I was glad he is going to give it a try.
"If you want I can come with you to the Mosque." I suggested. He nodded his head and said "That would would great".
"So this Friday after work?" I asked and again he nodded his head as Yes, with that he unlocked the door and I went to my desk.

After filing the documents and calling some places to have appointed a meeting them for Mr.Kraski, my work was finally done and I am ready to go the hospital to check my father.
After 20 minutes of drive I was front of the hospital/care center. I walked inside the building and greeted people at front desk, they know couple of years due to my father condition.

Knocking on the door and waited for answer, that means my father is alone. I always knock before going in to the room even tho I know he wouldn't available to answer. I looked at my father which was on his wheelchair, watching the sunset.
I went and hug him and kissed him on the cheek.
"Salam Baba" I greeted knowing he wont answer me. I looked at him, he had no expression in his face, his eyes were blank. No emotions, nothing. It killed me inside 'What have they done to you in prison?' I thought to myself. I am glad he is here with me now.
Only Allah knows, anyway I sat in front of him and wanted talk about my day and about David.
"Baba there is this weird feelings that I have towards someone.....whenever I see him my heart raises, whenever he looks my stomach makes a flip" I said shyly. When I was a little girl my father told me, if I ever loved someone I should tell him first. I smiled remembering my childhood years that spend with my father. I talk and explained my feelings about David and didn't realized that it was time for me to go home. I gave my father a goodbye kiss and Walked out his room, feeling relieved sharing my feelings with my father.

What would Kaitlyn/Kate important news will be to David?
I KNOW YOU GUYS GOING TO HATE ME AFTER THIS CHAPTER BECAUSE THE TWIST WILL BE SHOCKING/DRAMATIC and SAD :(. (which is good for me I am Turkish so I love dramatic stuff).....


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