Chapter 24

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Hey Guys I know you guys missed me lol, Here is an update please enjoy.

Rana POV

I was walking in the endless place. It was dark and horrifying, the noises, the screams. Now I was running, the place looks like a dark forest with everything that was frightening things and creatures. I was still running cant  control anything around me, the only thing I can seem to control is my eyes and my breathing - so I start breathing really heavily until I heard a familiar voice.
I stopped running and turned towards the voice. First I couldn't quiet get who it was due to the light was flashing behind her. When she gets closer and closer then I realize who it was.
"Mom" I cried running towards her. I hugged her with all my force, didnt wanted her slipped thru my hands again. When she hugged me back, thats when I realize how much I missed my mother.
"Rana be strong" she said as we released each other from our hug. I looked at her still crying. I examine her face. She seems in peace, her eyes were glowing, that means she was happy.
"Mom I am hurt" I cried as I lower my head down,she smiled and with her hand she lift my face.
"I know you are, just be patient and dont forget there is always a light after darkness" she said while smiling. She kissed my forehead with that she disappeared.

I slowly opened my eyes as I felt a sharp pain in my head my vision was blurry but after a minute I can see clearly. I looked up examine what I see. The ceiling was composed of white, holey, rectangles with random stains of a faded brown. Then I realize that this wasnt my room.
A chill ran down my spine as I felt the bitter air against my body escaping from the coldness of the bed that seeped through the paper slippers that I have. I realize that I had a hospital gown on instead of my clothe.
'Who brought me here?' I wondered.
I know that I was in a hospital. I can tell by the smell and the monitor that was in my right side beeps every twenty seconds and medical instruments around it.
I took the remote which I believe controls the bed and tv but it had also had nurse call button which I pressed and waited for answer.
After a minute a nurse rushed in. She came beside me.
"Good you're awake'' she smile and then she took my blood pressure.
"Do you know who brought me here?" I questioned her hoping she knows who.
After she types stuff in the computer and took the blood pressure instrument out of my arm, she turned her gaze at me and said "Yes, I think his name is David and dont worry I was the one who changed your clothes and put your head cover"
I was relief that she was the one who change me and then at the mention of his name flashback from our fight hit me like a thunder. After I slapped him I fainted.

'I Love You' he confessed me, a tear escaped as I remembered his words.
We are so close yet so apart. I didn't know what to do at this point. Something was holding him back, but what?
"Do you want me to call him?" The nurse asked. I nodded my head as an Yes.
Thank Allah there was a blanket on top of the gown because the hospital gown wasnt long and it was short sleeves.
The door slowly opened and saw David rushing towards me. He came and stood front of me. We looked at each other. I break the gaze by turning my head aside. I was still hurt and broken.
"Rana are you alright? I am so sorry please forgive me....." He said I stopped him with my words.
"I wont forgive you" I snapped. I know he was hurt, I shouldn't care. This time I wont allow my heart and my feelings take control of me. He shut his eyes for a second and opened.
"Just know that I am hurt as well" he said before walking away but stopped and looked back at me one last time, that moment I just wanted to run up to him and hug him and share our pain together but instead I looked away.
After he left I just lay on my bed and started to cry, and prayed Allah for Patience.

It was Thursday afternoon, Alhamdulillah after doctor checked everything yesterday he said that I was in good condition and there was no need for me to stay. Adina and Yusuf was there all day, apparently David called Adina let her know where was I after seeing six missed call from my phone. Yusuf was there because Adina called him to pick up my car from park and he came right after.

I slowly walked into to the building and saw people rushing as always.
"Rana" I heard Jordan calling and walk towards her, she had the biggest smile.
"Hello Jordan" I greeted as I stood beside her. She showed me pictures from her phone one was dark blue dress and the other was red dress.
"They are both beautiful"I smiled weakly and said.
"Well I know that but which one is better for the engagement party?"She questioned.
I gave a confusion look.
"Ohhh right you werent hear yesterday, Mr. Stasi is engaged and there is a party on Saturday" she said.
At that moment the air that I was breathing is stuck in my throat, the pain in my heart increased. Everything around me froze and muted. I hold my one of my hand on my chest and the other laid on the wall for support. I started to breath heavier and heavier as I felt as if someone is squeezing my heart with their cold hands. I looked up and saw David coming towards us.
"Rana are you alright?" He question, I moved back holding my tears, I apologized to Jordan and went up the stairs to the storage room.
I closed the door behind me and sunk on the floor. I couldn't handle anymore 'Ya Allah help me' I whispered as I felt tears on my cheeks. I don't how long I was there until I heard a knock I quickly got up and whipped my tears. Once I opened the door and saw David standing, his eyes are tired. I moved away so he can come in. I didn't have the energy to protest.
"I should have told you myself instead of finding out this way..." He said
I just listened quietly, I hated myself because I couldn't control my tears. He came closer and whipped the tears. Then he took my right hand placed a kiss on my palm. Yet another tear escaped. I thought the pain that he caused me was enough but I was wrong.
"Kate is pregnant" he said quickly.
I was destroyed, my heart was shattered now there was no hope for us. The tears were dry, I was no longer the Rana I was before.
I slowly removed my hand from his and looked at him one last time and walk out the room.

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