Chapter 33

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Two years have past two long years. I thought I can get over him and forget about him but I was wrong. My heart and my mind was screaming for his name. My souls was searching for him. I knew what I am feeling was wrong, he was a married man and probably had his child already.

I closed my eyes as tears roll silently into my cracker lips, salty and cold. I knew I lost him, I knew we weren't meant to be. Then why do I feel this way.
Why do I feel hope in my heart?
The questions keep on repeating in my head all the time. Which answer are unknown.

I was in Louisville Kentucky, it was summer time, the natures was showing off its beauty. I was at Nur Islamic School, teaching kids after school program. I help children with their homework and classwork. It was my second job and I loved it, getting involved with little ones. They always take my mind off him.

I missed my father as well I haven't seen him since I came here. I call the hospital everyday to check upon him but still I missed him so much. I was cut off as I heard one of my students calling me. It was recess (break) time so everyone was outside playing and chatting.
"Sister Rana sister Rana" Ahmed called, he was twelve years old in sixth grade one of the oldest in my class.
"Yes?" I answered
"Tala took my jacket again" he complained, Tala was eight years old also one of my students.
"Tala whats going on?" I asked already know her answer. I bend down in her level so she can whisper the answer.
"Sister Rana when I go home I miss him so much, this is the only way I feel like he is with me" she whispered in my ear so that Ahmet wouldnt hear it. Tala had a crush on Ahmet and its funny that these two never get along but still they protect each other from anyone. I smiled at her answer and at my thoughts.
"Tala its wrong to take his jacket without his permission" I told her, she frowned for a second and then smiled again.
"Ok you are right, Ahmet" she called.
Ahmet now stood in front of us arms crossed each other.
"Yes?" He said as he rolled his eyes.
"I am sorry for taking your jacket, I wont do it again" she apologized as she handed his jacket back.
"Its fine next time asked" he said as took his jacket walked away with anger.
"I don't get it, he is the smartest kid in our school but he sure doesn't understand that I like him.....uffff"She said making me laugh a little.
"You know Tala you are still young to understand, I am twenty two even I don't understand it" I whispered the last part for myself. She gave me a big smile and kissed my cheek and walked away.
I looked the scene before me, the kids are laughing as they play hide and seek. Each and everyone of them are our future, future and hope to this world. Maybe some day one of them would change the cruelty of this world into something good.

My thoughts cut off as I heard my cell ringing. I look at the caller id but it was an unknown number. I froze the area code was New York.
What if its him? Sadly I know for sure it wasn't him. I press the answer bottom.

"Hello is this Rana Kaya?" the person on the other line spoke. This was first,  I never gave my number to anybody.
"Yes?"it was more of a question .
"Miss. Kaya I am Sandra James one of the nurses from the hospital that your father stays at and we would like to mail you our new HIPPA(Patient Privacy Act) regulation which you have to sign and mail or fax it back to us ASAP" she said in professional tone. Well it is true every two years I had to sign these kind of papers but the weird thing is I always receive it from my email address so this was first. I was the only care giver in my fathers life so I had the right to sign.
"Alright then my address is......" After I gave my address to the nurse, I ended the call.

Alhamdulillah it was Friday, this week was a busy week due to final exams for kids.
As I walk into my apartment I went straight to take a shower, brushed my teeth and then collapsed on the bed.

I laid in bed feeling excited for some odd reason. I felt like something is going to happen. 
The only time I was this excited was whenever I saw him.........
I closed my eyes and let sleep take over my body.

"I walked towards the door that was in front of me, I pushed to opened and it did. As I was walking inside the door, the scene before me was breathtakingly beautiful. The flowers the trees and butterflies were flying all over the place. I was not wearing a hijab my hair was all down, but instead I was wearing a white dress a wedding dress. But Why?
I saw a a tall figure in front of me I walked closer to him and stood behind him, his back now facing me. I tapped on his shoulder lightly to get his attention. He slowly turned towards me.
Shocked was all I was, before me stood him David..... I missed him..... I missed him so much......."
Before I know it I woke to the sound of door bell.

So who could be at the DOOR????
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