Chapter 5

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Hey guys I know it took me along time to update and I am sorry.

Please enjoy it.



Rana's POV

I opened the main door of the hospital.

"Hi" I greeted the lady at front desk.

"Hi, you know the visiting hours is over" she said.

"Yes I know thats why I came, I am only going to come see him on weekends, by the way how was he today?" I asked.

"Same nothing changed" she informed.

"Thank you, see you on Saturday" I waved goodbye as I exit the hospital.

After 20 minutes of driving I was at my apartment. I don't know why but there is a feeling inside of me that disturbs me,its not pain no, I feel like something is going to happen I dont if its good or bad. I walk inside of my room and collapsed on the bed, I was tired so fall asleep.

I opened my eyes and I was at the office, 'this is Davids office' I thought to myself but the weird thing about it is there was no furniture it was empty. I saw David staring at something behind me. I turned to look at what was it, I was shock when I saw my mom as she tried to hang herself, she looked at me and pointed her finger toward David. I saw her push the chair which made her suffer in pain until she was dead.

I woke up in fear, I realized that I was sweating so much, I went to the bathroom and washed my face. I closed my eyes and felt a salty tear dripping down to my cheek. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was white as paper. I took my hijab off and stare at the mirror before me. I decided to take a shower and tried to go to sleep again.

I was woken up to the sound of screaming of Adina. I quickly got up and rushed to her room.

"What happened?" I said with a worried expression.

"I passed....I passed my exams" she said while jumping up and down like a little girl.

"Congratulation, I am so happy and proud of you"I said while hugging her.

"I am sorry about the screaming, I was excited and you know what happens when I am excited" she said. I nodded my head and checked the time. It was 8 am and no school on thursdays and fridays.

The Thin Line Between Us( Love and Drama) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now