Chapter 25

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Hey Guys Sorry For Late Update.


David POV

I was at my room laying on the bed. I took the day off, I couldn't face her. After my confession I know she would never consider for us to be together. Feelings and questions are eating me alive. I know I messed up everything, one chance being with her is Gone. He eyes, her lips, her touch, her laugh no more mine, I broke her and my heart. The pain I cause will forever remain in her heart.
Today was supposed to be the day me and Rana would go to Mosque for Islam study class. She was going to help, but thats out of the question now.

Tomorrow is my engagement party, I know for a fact that she wont be there. It is so hard for me to avoid her at work. My mind tells me stay away, I have responsibilities to do, but my heart was screaming for her.

Seconds turned to minutes and minutes turned to hours. I was still at home thinking about her. I didnt know where my life is heading but I know its without her. I shouldn't thinking about her now the only women in my life should be Kate. It feels wrong but its right thing to do after all she caring my child. I was interrupted when I heard the door bell.  I walked downstairs and opened the door.
"Hey man" it was Alex (Alexandr Kraski).
He walk inside and I closed the door. I sat on the couch in the living room, he sat on the couch as well.
"Whats going on David?" He asked I've never told Alex, my best friend about how I felt about Rana. I sight heavy and looked down.
"I messed up everything" I said in low voice a silence fill the room.
"Its Rana isn't? The one you love" he said I was shocked I never told him that I had feelings for her.
"Shocked?..... come on man you thought I didn't see the way you looked at her and the way that you always find excuses to see her" he said smiling, was it that obvious. Now came to think about it I did always found excuses to see her or call her to my office just to see her. I was attached to her, its going to be hard to let her go but I have no choice, I have to forget her.
"I love her" I confessed. Alex looked at me giving me a sad look.
"I am sorry David but I have to tell you this.......Yusuf is going to propose to Rana tomorrow on your engagement party" he said quietly. Anger filled my body, my heart is going to explode any minute out of pain. I quickly got up and punched the nearest object that I found on wall.
"God dammit David what the hell?"Alex yelled, he rushed to the bathroom and back with towel on his hand. He pressed on my bleeding hand.
"Punching the mirror is not going to solve press it it will ease the pain and the bleeding, I am going get the doctor" he said walked out, shutting the front door. The pain in my hand is nothing compare to the pain in my heart.

Today was the party, for me was the day I give up all my hopes and her. I didnt know if she was going to come or not but all I know that today we both is going on our separate ways. Since Alex told me that Yusuf is going to propose to her I couldnt stop thinking about it. What if she says yes? The questions without answers is going to eat me.

I don't usually drink alcohol but tonight I needed to ease my sorrow. The sorrow will forever remain no matter how much I drink, so I put the glass cup on the table. I was cut off of my thoughts when my mom stood in front of me.
"David smile little bit its not a funeral its a party" she said
"Its my funeral" I whispered more to myself but loud enough so she can hear.
"Get your self together, and forget about her, Kate should be the only one in your heart" she whispered so no one can hear, she always trying to control me but I would never allow her especially when comes to her.
"Stop controlling me" I said.
"I am doing all the best I can, so dont push it mom" I continued and walked away but stopped as I saw her. My heart started to beat faster and faster by the seconds as she was coming closer to me. I walked towards her but stopped as soon as I saw Yusuf beside her.
Anger swirled like a red tide within me, rising to choke me. My breath became harsh and shallow, my hands automatically curling into fists at my sides, itching to swing out and put a dent in the wall beside me.
"Congrats man"he said extending his hand for shake. I shook his hand forcefully and looked at Rana who was looking down avoiding any eye contact.
"Yusuf you made it"said Alex as he appears behind me and shook his Yusuf's hand.
I looked at Rana her eyes were still down.
"Umm Yusuf is it ok if we talk privately about something important " Alex said and looked at me. I know that look he was trying to distract Yusuf so I can talk to Rana.
"Sure... I'll be right back ok Rana" he said as he walk away. I looked around making sure no body is watching, then I grab her wrist and walk out from the party. She was telling me to stop but I didn't.
We were at the back of the building were there was no one. I was still holding her. We looked at each others eyes, I don't how I am going to let her go. I loved her, I loved her inner beauty her heart.
"Why are you here?" I asked without breaking our gaze.
A tears were falling from her eyes she quickly whipped it.
"Yusuf took me to dinner and then he brought me here told me he wanted to congratulate you...... I didnt want to be here" she said looking down. I was afraid to ask her if Yusuf proposed to her yet, so I just left at that.
"Rana.....Know that I am not happy to be here as well, the only reason....." I said before she cut me off.
"It doent matter you have responsibility to take care of, it doesn't matter that you love me, it doesnt matter that I love you it doesnt matter..." She said, until I cut her off by hugging her. She loves me, she just confessed, before I know Rana pushed me, tears were in hers eyes unable to speak. I knew that I had to let go even thou its the hardest thing to do. I ran my fingers thru my hair.
"Rana know that no matter what situation were are in I will always love you.... From now on I will try my best to forget you.... Good bye" I said living a gentle kiss on her forehead and walk away from the person that I Love Forever.

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