Chapter 22

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So sad about David and Rana :((

Rana's POV

After visiting my dad at the hospital I came straight home. Once I opened the door, I was shocked to see Halit and Adina holding each others hands and had the biggest smile on their faces.
"What's going on?" I smiled as I asked suspiciously. Adinas hands were now free from Halits and came close to me.
"We're getting marrried" she said as she showed me her ring. I smiled knowing that she must of confess her feelings towards Halit. I smiled again and hugged my bestfriend. She was so happy, I can tell.
I wonder if I ever going to feel the same excitement..... I shook of my thoughts as I gazed them, they were happy and in Love.

"So when is the wedding?"I asked, I knew Halit wanted to have his wedding faster due to his grandfathers condition. His grandfather had stage four cancer and has little to live. Its was sad, to see your beloved one die everyday and can't help but watch them.
"After a month, its gonna be small wedding, first Nikah and then the party" he said in excitement.
"That means we have shopping to do" Adina said while clapping her hands in excitement.

After Halit left, I went to my room took a shower and changed my clothes to PJ. I checked myself in bathroom mirror while brushing my hair and my thoughts were focused on David, I couldnt get him out of my mind and my......Heart.
As soon as I brushed my hair, I collapsed on the bed I was tired and exhausted. I closed my to fall asleep, but couldnt. You know the feeling when something bad is going to happen, yes I have that feeling now and its killing me. Hopefully nothing will happen In sha Allah......But I was wrong

2 Days Later........

Two days have passed but its seems like David is distance to me, whenever I tried to ask what was going on, he basically tells me he doesnt have time or just walk out off the conversation. I knew now exactly how he must of felt whenever I did the same.
He was just avoiding me, ignoring my existent which hurted me. I couldnt handle anymore I needed an answer now. I stood from my seat to go to Davids office, but stopped once I heard someone.
"Excuse me?"
I looked behind and was shocked as I saw her.
It was Kate and a lady beside her. The lady next to her look fairly familiar, its like I've seen her before but where?

I wonder why was Kate here, I thought David said they broke up. I mentally shook of my thoughts.
"Yes? How can I help you with?" I asked as the lady eyed me, from head to toe and then gave me a disgusted face.
"Ahhh yes is David available?" Kate said with a smile. A strange feeling had appeared inside of me, I was annoyed and angry at her. Astaghfurullah, I whispered to myself.
I dialed Davids office number and waited. After second ring he picked up.
"Rana?" He spoke on the other line. I missed his voice.
"Mr.Stasi, Mrs.Kate is here to see you" I said, he was quite for a second.
"Tell him I am here with his mom" Kate said.
I was shocked, so that's why she looked so familiar, David had showed me his family picture, when we where staying at the Cabin house.
"And also your mother is here for you sir" I said and another awkward silence.
"Ok....I'll be there in a second" he said. I was about end the call before David spoke again.
"Rana...I really am sorry" he said and hung up the phone, I was confused, what did he meant when he 'I realy am sorry'.
I put the phone back.
"He said he will be here" I said still thinking about his apology.

'Why did he apologised'  I thought to myself. He probably apologised because his ex-girlfriend was here, that's probably it. I was cut off my thoughts when I saw David standing beside Kate.
He was looking at me, probably waiting for my reaction. I gave him a confusion look.
'Why do I feel angry?'
I gave him a weak smile, showing him that I was ok, but in reality, I wasnt.
"Rana I'll be taking off for the day, let Alexandr know....and take care" he whispered the last part. He sounded different, was he sad. I wanted to ask him but I knew I couldnt at least not at this  moment.
With that they all left, I wasnt mad at him maybe his mom doesnt know that they broke up. I went in to let Mr.Kraski know that David left work for today.
"So Rana next friday will be your last day as intern right?" Mr.Kraski asked as he signed the paper and handed to me. I nodded "Yes sir"
"Well we all going to miss you and thank you for all your work" he said and smiled. I nodded my head and Thanked him and walked out of his office and ready to go home.

As I parked my car in of my apartment I checked my phone and saw three missed calls from Yusuf. He calls me almost everyday and sends me white roses to my house for three days now. I mean I do love flowers especially white roses but its not right. I told him to stop but he wont. I just didn't feel like talking to him now, my head was full and I didnt had the energy for it.

The feelings and questions are going to eat me alive. I needed answers and I needed now. Even though it was eleven pm I didn't care. I called him twice, he didn't pick up. So the only option left for me to go to his house. I wanted make sure he was ok.

Here I was standing in front of his house debating whether to knock on his door or not. After finding my courage I knocked on his door. Once, Twice.....
No answer, he must not be at home.
'But where would he be at this late at night?' I thought.
My question answered shortly after seeing Davids car parked next to mine.
"Rana" he said as he was walking closer to me. I stood there absorbing his look. His hair was messy his shirt was unbutton his tie was loose.
He was now in front of me, we were starting at each other. I wanted to ask him what was going on? What was bothering him?

"David are you alright you've been acting differently, is something bothering you?" I asked with worried. He looked at me for seconds and then looked away.
"Rana you were right" he said his eyes never meeting mine. I gave him confusion look. It was dark but his front yards lights were on.
He looked at me and sighed heavily.
"You were right all along, we......cant be together" he said harshly. I didnt know what to think. Without even knowing a tears started to gather.
"I cant do this.....Rana I just cant be with you, I cant continue this, it was a mistake.... you.. you're mistake" as soon he said those words a tear started to drip from my eyes. I started to breath heavy, this is not true... He cant, no he is lying.
He shut his eyes and sight heavily and looked at me with anger.
"Don't make this harder...." he continued but at that moment I whipped my eyes and did something that shocked him.
I slapped him, as soon as I slapped him I felt pain, betrayed, scared and most of all Hurt.

The Thin Line Between Us( Love and Drama) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now