Chapter 18

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David's POV

At last 'She is here'. She had a small bag with her, I smiled at her I wanted to hug and kiss her but I promised her that I wouldnt do anything that she didn't wanted. Now I was sure she has the same feelings as I did for her.

After I showed her the room that she was going to stay it on the second floor, next to my room. I went to the kitchen and waited for her to come downstairs.

I looked around at our camp house, and laughed when flashed back the memories, my parents brought this house when 13 years.
'Wow its been long time' I was cut of if my thoughts when I saw Rana.
I watched her as she came down from the stairs. She was simple but yet beautiful. I know she was scared and shy I can see her cheeks are bright red. She stood in front of me, we were just enjoying watching each others eyes.
Ahhh those beautiful eyes of hers is going to be death of me.
I was cut off of my toughts when Rana spoke.
"Are you hungry?" She asked quietly. I nodded my head as an 'Yes'.

"Do you like rice and chicken?" She questioned. It's been long time since I had rice so why not.
"Yes why did you asked?" I wondered. She gave me a smile.
"Thats because I am going to cook, have you ever tried Uzbek Plov before?" She asked. I shook my head as 'No'.
"I am sure you'll love it, and can I have the permission to cook" she smiled as she spoke.
"Of course you can and I'll help you"I said. She started searching for the ingredients. She place them all in counter. She started to wash some carrots and prepare other ingredients.
After an hour she was done, she made rice with chicken, salad and pudding. I just watch as she was done washing the dishes. I set up the dinning table since she did the cooking.
We both sit there eat quietly the food was delicious.
"So where did you learn how to cook?"I asked, she stopped eating and looked at me smiling.
"My Quran teacher aunt Hafisa thought me, I was ten when I started to learn" she said, with a smile.
Before she could say anything else she looked at me with the smile.
"You have some rice in your lips"she said showing the area on her lips. I pretend to wipe the rice but I just wanted to feel her touch.
"Here I got it" she said as she took a napkin and leaned forward to wipe the rice off, she so gentle, she was barely touching my lips. She was removing her hand when I grabbed placed a kiss on her palm.
I felt like my heart was going pop out of my chest. She looked at me and quickly removed her hand away from mine.

After washing and drying the last dish, we went to living room, she was looking around and notice a picture. "Its my parents" I said while stand near her. ''Is that you?'' she said pointing a little boy in the picture. I nodded my head as 'Yes'. She smiled and said ''You were a beautiful baby and chubby too". Seeing her smile makes me smile, ohh knowing that she is in front of me and I cant touch her or kiss her.

"Do want to play a game?" I asked, the truth is I wanted to know more about her. She turned and look at me. "Depends on the game" she said.
"Its called 10 questions, where you asked 10 question about me and i do the same" I explained and waited for her answer.
"Or you could basically say I want to know more about you" she commented and smiled. "Or that" I said.
We sat on the couch, "Where are you from?" She asked
"I was born here in New York" I answered. I avoided asking her questions about her family since I know her situation.
"Have you ever had a boyfriend?" I asked knowing the answer already. She looked at me and said "No".
"Where is your parents?" She asked curiously.
"Right now their in Israel, three years ago I stopped following Judaism, my parents became mad especially my mother, they decided its better for us keep distant for a while." I said, I know there is one God in the world, but I had alot of questions that can not be completed and many things did not make sense, so I stop practicing the religion. I looked at Rana I know she was shocked because, her face tells it all.
"Sorry to hear that, its weird even thou you have parents you're distant with them, but David your parents only come to this life once in life time and nobody will love you like your parents do, in my religion it is very important to get our parents blessing especially mothers."she stopped for a minute and I saw a tear in her cheek. I moved my hand toward her cheek and wiped it with my thumb. She probably remembered her mother.
"Sorry, I missed my parents" she said sadly.

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