Chapter 36

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Seven Years have Passed

Twins were running around the house as their mother told them to stop before they get hurt and they both did. Her mother gently bent down on to her five year old twin boys and kissed them on their cheek.
"Go awake baba" she told the little angels of her life and they ran off.

"Anne I cant find my notebook" yelled Selma. Selma was seven years old, the oldest Ranas and Davoods kids. They total had three kids and one was on the way. She smiled at her daughter.
"Its on the top shelf" her mother replied.
"Thank you" her daughter said back.
She touched her stomach as she felt her baby moving. She looked up as seeing her beloved husband walking towards her. He came kissed Ranas forhead and touched her stomach, he was finally happy. He was blessed to have a wonderful wife and kids and he thank God everyday and every moment for it.

"How are you my love?" He asked her as they head towards the living room where her father in law and baba was sitting and watching tv.
Her father in law looked up as he notice Rana and Davood.
"Come my daughter sit, you must be exhausted" her father in law spoke as he showed him the sofa.
Ranas father in law was always nice towards her and her baba (dad).
Yes they were still living together which makes Rana and Davood very happy.

Her seven year old Selma and the twin boy came in and sat beside there grandparents and watched the movie Message. Rana looked up to her husband and gave smile and hold his hand. She prayed everyday to have a wonderful husband like him and she was glad that he never gave up on her.

Life its self is full surprises, wether its good or bad but at end only Allah knows what is best for us.
For Rana and Davood the challages didnt end. Rana have found out that her mother didnt committed suicide, she was murdered by the soldiers. It was one of the hardest time that she went thru. Davoods uncle was involved in the killing and now sentence to life time in jail. Rana have forgiven Davoods uncle and helped him to easy his time in jail. Now he had 18 years instead of life time.
Rana eventually learned how to forgive and forget thats what life had thought her. Instead of hate and revenge her heart was relieved filled with love towards her kids and husband.

The End

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