Chapter 19

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Rana's POV

After my morning prayer I went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. After finish preparing breakfast I waited for David to wake.

"I thought you were sleeping"I said as I saw him coming from the front door.
"No I had to run" he said, and then looked at the table and smiled. "Smells so good, let me go take a shower and I will be back." He said running upstairs. I opened the backyard door to have some fresh air, after couple of minutes I heard a phone ring, I looked around and saw a phone on top of the counter.
'He must of forgotten here'  After couple of seconds, it ringed again. 
It must be something important because it didnt stopped ringing. I decided to take it to his room.
I knocked on the door couple times but he didnt answered. I slowly opened the door and called his name, still no answer.
'Just place the phone in his night stand' I thought as slowly tip toe and placed it in his night stand after a second the phone started to ring again, and I heard a loud thum.
'Busted' my inner voice yelled.
I turned to face him, I gasp and quickly covered my eyes with my hand and turned my back.
Ohhhh Allah Astaghfurullah.
David was standing in front of me, half naked ,towel was wrapped around his waistline. My cheek are probably burning red by now.

Finally I found my voice and spoke again.
"I am so sorry I forgot, I knocked couple of times and called your name" I said quickly. Now I remembered he was going to take a shower.
"Your phone has been ringing for more than 15 minutes." I said still closing my eyes. I felt someone removing my hands. My eyes were still closed. "Its ok Rana, I am dressed" he said. I slowly opened my eyes seeing him in front of me inches apart. He came closer and closer, I couldnt move its like I was glooed to the floor, next thing I know he leaned and kissed my cheek.
"Ohh God your beautiful" he whispered loud enough for me to hear. I moved back quickly I was shocked, how can he do this but most of all why does it feel right when its wrong. I walked out of his room without saying anything, he called my name and tried to get my attention to look at him, but I just ignored and went to the kitchen.
He should not have done it. He promised me he won't do anything that I won't allow. My thoughts were cut off when he came in front of me.
"I am so sorry Rana, I just....your were standing there, I couldnt controll myself." He said, running his hand thru his hair. "Dont let it happen again please" I said seriously. He just nodded his head.
After eating and washing the dishes, it was time for us to have a little walk in lake that was near the caben.

As we were walking I saw the beautiful nature, the trees, flowers the sun. The lake itself was stunning.
I was about walk closer to the lake when all the sudden I lost my balance, before I know it two large hands caught me from falling. I saw David looking at me with worried eyes.
"Thank you I am fine"I said didnt broke our gaze.
'Why are we doing this?' I thought, we both know we don't belong each other, we can't be together.
"Why are we doing this?" I questioned. He gave me confusion look. "We both know we can't be together, then why are we hurting each other?" I said and backed away from him. He run his hand thru his hair and looked at me.
"How do you know, Rana how can you say such a thing, answer me?" He raised his voice.
"David I told you many times we can't be together because I can only be with a muslim, my husband has to be a muslim" I said I explained so many times but he doesnt want to get it.
"You right we shouldnt be together......."he said harshly. In that moment a sharp pain was stabbed into my heart, I was hurt by his words, I am sure he was hurt by mines. Silence feel the air he was avoiding looking at me.
"You can.....leave, it was a mistake anyways" he said harshly. A tear escape from my eyes.

I turned and walk slowly until he  grabbed my hand spun me around and hugged me. I was shocked didn't know what to do.
"Rana please dont leave, please" he said. I couldnt handle anymore Allah knows how hard I tried to avoid him, hate him but it was no use.
At this moment the reality hit me faster than a thunder. I relize now that 'I was in love with him'. I slowly raised my arms and wrapped around him. We were hugging each afraid of letting go.

The Thin Line Between Us( Love and Drama) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now