Chapter 8

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I watched her while she was sleeping in peace. Somehow I wanted to touch her face, her beautiful face. She had nothing on her face to cover her own beauty.

Alexandr went to the police station to found out who did this to her. The doctors told us that Rana was fine.

My hand was laying beside hers I wanted to feel her hand, then I heard her mumbling something.

"Mama" she mumbled,she must be having a bad dream.
She started to shook her head.
"Mamaaaaa"she screamed as she opened her eyes. She was shocked to see me then I saw a tears escaping from her eyes. I wanted know her pain her feelings but I know I can't....

She whipped her tears and looked away hiding her face from me. I looked down and realized that her hand was on top of my hand. She didn't realize,if she did I am sure she would of yell at me or even slap me.

There was a moment of silence until she realized her hand was on top of mine. She blushed for a second I stare at her.

"I am sorry" she mumble that surprised me.

Rana's POV

"I am sorry" I mumbled, it was my fault. I looked away to hide my face from him.
Silenced filled the room.
"You alright?" he asked, I turned to look at him. I nodded my head as yes.
All the sudden this weird noise started to beep in monitor that was right next to me.
I tried to stop clicking some random buttons but it made it worst. So I closed my ears and my eyes because the sound was getting louder and it annoyed me.
Then I felt something against my body, I opened my eyes and saw David leaned against me so he can stopped the noise and luckily he did. I look down realizing that this is wrong, somehow I felt a heat in my cheeks. I would of push him right now but the only option for him is to lean because there was no space.
"There I fix it" he said proudly. I looked at him for a moment and thats when our eyes met and felt something weird in my stomach, no its not pain but rather more joyful. He looked at me carefully, so did I and thats when he leaned closer and closer towards me, I did not know what he wanted but this is not right, this is wrong. So I turn my face, I closed my eyes and breath heavily I was nervous and scared.
"Thank you" I mumbled, in corner of my eye I saw him sitting back to his seat. I couldn't stop thinking what just happened. I was interrupted of my thoughts when I heard a knock.
"Come in" I said. I saw someone hiding there face with bucket of white roses. I smiled as notice who it was.
he removed the white roses and handed to me.
"Salam, how are you?" Halit greeted, he didn't even realize that David was in the room.
"Alhamdullilah good" I answered with a smile.
When Halit saw David his eyes widen a little.
"Ohh sorry man I am Halit" Halit introduced himself. David stood up and shook Halits hand.
"I am David Stasi, Rana's boss" he said while looking at me.
"I am Rana's....."David cut Halit sentence.
"I know who are" he said with a weird tone. Halit looked at me and gave me a confusion look.
"Alright I have to go, I have a meeting to attend, hope you feel better" Davids said without even looking at both of us, he walked out of the room and slam the door shut.
"What is his problem?"Halit said.
"I dont know" I said.

Davids POV

I slammed the door shut.
What the hell is going on with me?.
Why the hell I wanted to kiss her?, why was I angry for?.
These questions repeated in my mind over and over again. I lied to them that I had a meeting but in reality I was angry I couldn't stand watching them cuddle.
Why do you even care?
My inner voice yelled.
I walk into the building and saw Jordan at front desk.
"No calls" I yelled, she nodded her head.

As the elevator door opened, I saw Rana's desk. I started to walk towards her desk and stopped. I stare at the empty desk.
"I will make you quit this job, so I don't have to have these feelings, you will regret working here" I said with anger.

The Thin Line Between Us( Love and Drama) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now