Chapter 28

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Rana's POV

Standing there unable to speak as it feels like all the words and all the sentence in my mind were lost. It feels like as if I was lost in dark place, where there was only darkness around, the more I ran the more darker and scarier it got and our situation was the same. The more we stayed away from each other the more we're getting attached to each other.

This was wrong I shouldn't be here, but I couldn't resist my heart. It was late at night when he called and asked me to meet him in front of the apartment. Which I did and here I was in front of him.

A solitude of silence hung around me. Only the beats of my heart could be heard against my ringing ears. I longed for daylight, I longed for the morning breeze; for the bright sun. I looked at him realizing his face showed distress and as he closed his eyes, drops slowly ran down his face. He had wiped them so much that they were red and swollen. I knew he was hurt but we have to accept our reality.

The cold wind connected with my body making me shiver. He was in front of me so close yet so far. All the sudden he moved closer and cupped my cheeks with both of his hands. His forehead now was resting on mine. I couldn't move its like I was stuck in my place, unable to move. My mind yelled for me to stop him but my heart screamed for his name.

"Please don't marry him....please" he cried, it was the first time I saw David cry, which breaks my heart. I felt his hot breath against me, he was so close and it was wrong.
I moved back freeing his hands from my cheeks. I know he thinks that I accepted Yusuf's proposal and I know he is hurt. I want to tell him the truth but instead I am going to keep it to myself. I didn't want to give him any hopes.

"Why are you here David?" I asked with low voice. He ran his hand thru his hair and looked up meeting my eyes. He didn't say anything, and he didn't need to. One look in his eyes told me everything. I could see sorrow in his eyes as clearly as if he was speaking his thoughts and emotions aloud.

"I rather die than see you with someone else" he finally said, his voice was filled with sadness and anger.
I couldn't believe his words, I knew he had been drinking I could smell alcohol all over him.
"I love you Rana so much.." he confessed as he came closer, I moved back but stopped once my back hit the tree. Again he took a step closer and he started to trace my eyes, my cheeks and my lips with his fingers.
I closed my eyes, an unknown feeling had appeared in my heart. My breath was stuck in my throat which led me breath heavily making my chest rise up and down. My heart no longer was mine it was his.
Ohh Allah 'Astaghfurullah' I thought to my self it was wrong very wrong to be with him, forgive me Allah.

"No" I barely whispered. I couldn't let this happen he needs to understand that there is no us. I pushed him with all the energy I had left in me. He looked up, my eyes were burning my hands were in tight fist.

"Remember when you told me that I was a mistake....."I said harshly, but my heart was hurt as I saw his sad face.
He just nodded his head as an Yes.
I have to do this I have to hurt him in order for him to understand and accept our reality.
"Good because you were mistake as well, I regret the day I met you, my life would have been easier without you....." I continued, shocked was written all over his face. My eyes never leaved his I wanted him to believe the words.
"So I'll suggest for you to go back to your fiancé, who is caring your baby and leave me ALONE for the rest of my life" I hated myself for doing this but I have no other choice, I had to sacrifice our love for his unborn child.
"If thats what you want then so be it, you freed to marry whoever you want......" with that he left.

I ran as fast as I can to my room, I locked the door behind me and sunk on the floor and leaned my back against the door. I cried whispered didn't wanted Adina to be awake. I wanted to scream on top of my lungs but couldn't no matter how much pain I had in my heart I had to be silent. 


It was Wednesday morning, I had two classes at the Uni. I walked into the classroom, I came extra early to talk my adviser about my transcripts. After classes I went straight to work.

David was being rude and avoiding me all the time, he was back to himself when we first met. I wanted this I wanted him to avoid me yet I feel hurt and upset.

I was sitting in my desk and typing some documents about Yusuf's Hotel agreement. Yusuf was texting me none stop and sending flowers to work.  I closed my eyes and sight heavy 'Two more days and thats it' I thought.

I clicked the print and waited to print, I took the papers and went to the copy room so I can make more copies for agreement.

As I was walking I bumped into someone. I looked up seeing David standing in front of me.
"I am sorry...."before I could finish his harsh word cut me off.
"Watch where you going....."he said and continued "Make copy of these as well and afterwards bring to my office" he handed me the papers without even looking and walk away. I hugged both papers and went to get them copied.

I knocked on his door and waited for answer. After hearing 'Come in' I opened the and walked in. I was shocked with the scene before me. David was at his on his lap was Kate kissing each other. I turned my back against them as a tear fell from eyes I quickly whipped a sharp pain appeared in my heart.
I cleared my throat and turned to face them. They stopped kissing, I didn't dare to look at Davids eyes I put the copies on his desk and walk out with the pain in my heart.

I sat on my chair and waited for the pain to ease down. I hold my hand in my chest feeling the pain getting worse. I breath harder and harder until I felt someone shaking me. I looked up seeing Yusuf looking at me with worried eyes.
"Rana what happened?" He asked worriedly.
Finally finding my voice I spoke"It hurts Yusuf it hurts so much" I said didn't care if I sounded weak.
He whipped my tears and then cupped my face with both of his hands.  I stood up as well as he. He was holding both of my hands. I looked behind Yusuf seeing David with fire in his eyes his hands were in tight fist Kate came beside him with that he storm out , leaving my wounded heart with more pain.

The Thin Line Between Us( Love and Drama) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now