Chapter 13

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David POV

'Hijab' I thought to myself, she is not allowed to date, thats why she never let anyone touch her, it make perfect sence now.

I was laying in bed. I am still angry about yesterday, she never answers my questions, like her family.  I didnt know why I want to know her past. I was cut off of my thoughts when Katy kissed me.

"You were amazing last night"she said as continued kissing me. I felt guilty and I regreted, I dont even know why I slept with her but I did. if you asked me two month ago this was normal to me but now I feel different. I stopped her from going any further and got up to take shower.

I turned on the water on and let the cold water hit my body maybe this will wash up my guilt but who am I kidding. I closed my eyes and the image of her came to my mind her lips her eyes, ohhh God what have you done to me Rana. Whenever I see her I just want to feel her lips against mines.

Once I finished taking a shower, I dressed up, my casual clothes. Its was saturday afternoon, I decided I would go for a walk.

I was  at park just walking around getting some fresh air. As I was walking I notice someone familiar, it was Rana, she was with a man he was in a wheelchair. I couldnt see who it was because he was facing back. She sat at picnic chair and put some food. I hide behind the tree and watch her. She looked happy I never seen her this happy before, she was smiling as she was feeding the man.

'Who is he?' I thought to myself. 

I saw her saying something to the man and walked away with a bottle, thats when I realized that this was wrong I shouldn't do this I turned to leave but stopped when I saw Rana in front of me, She looked confused.

"Mr.Stasi?" she said.

I looked at her and scratched the back of my head as I was thinking of what should I say to her.

"Ummm... hi, I was just came for a walk" I said looking at her. Somehow she was nervous for some reason.

"I have to go, goodbye sir"she said,she walked passed me but stopped her.

"Rana who is that man?"I questioned quickly, she looked at me with wide eyes.

"Mr.Stasi I cant tell you, I am sorry" she apologized. Her eyes became sad and nervous it seems like she is hiding something.

"Please tell what is going on what are you hiding, dont worry I promise I wont tell anyone, what is bothering you tell please" I said, she looked at me carefully and then sight heavily.

"Alright come with me"she said as lead me towards the man.

We both sat at picnic table, I can tell she was scared and nervous to tell me the truth.

"The man that sitting on the wheelchair is my my FATHER" she whispered while looking at the man which was few feet away from us, he was watching the kids quitly.

"His name is Mehmet Kaya, he was one the famous lawyers in Palestine, when I was six years old the Israel governs locked him in prison because my father was against them... and then when I came to America my professor he adopted me when I was nine, he helped my father out from jail, if my father stayed in that jail for few more month he could of died but Alhamdulillah he didnt" she said as a tears dropped from her eyes. She quickly looked away and whipped it. I turned her face with my hand and whipped the tears of. As I was brushing the tears of her cheeks, she closed her eyes moved her face away from my hand.

"Mr.Stasi I cant..."before she could finish her sentence I cut her of.

I was shocked, why would she hide her father from everybody. I had a lot of questions to ask her but I knew this wasn't the right time.

"Please don't tell this to anyone" she said as she looked at me with her beautiful face.

I nodded my head.

After she left with her father. I was curious to find out about her past so I called John,the guy that I hired to learn about Ranas past.

"Mr.Stasi I have the information with me"he said as he came closer. He stopped in front of me.

"You may began" I said.

"Rana Kaya, Mehmet and Reda Kaya's daughter, Mehmet Kaya was a famous lawyer in Palestine but he got arrested because he was against Israel governs and then when Rana was eight she saw her mother committed suicide." as soon as he said the last part, I felt sad, guilty.

"Mr. Stasi there is more" he said quietly.

"What is it?"I asked I was still shocked. I made her cry I did nothing but hurt her feelings for last two month. I need to apologize. I was cut off of my thoughts when John spoke.

"Your uncle is the who arrested Mehmet Kaya" he said.

Rana POV

It was Monday afternoon, I came to work five hours ago and haven't seen Mr.Stasi, I was packing my stuff but was interrupted by Jordan.

"Rana, Mr. Stasi want you to drop these files to this address" she said as she handed me some files. I took the files and headed to my car.

After 20 minutes of driving I was at my destination. I looked around and was surprised that it was a restaurant. I went in but there was nobody inside. I was about to leave but stopped as I saw a person holding buckets of white roses.

He then removed the bucket and I saw the least person I expected.

"Mr.Stasi?"I questioned him.

"Hi ummm Rana I want to apologize for the way I was treating you for the last two month" he said as he handed me the flowers.

I put the flowers on the table that was right beside us. 

I was shocked he just apologized.

Half of me wanted to accept his apology but the other half is still hurt by the words he have said to me.

The main question is will I forgive him?

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