Chapter 4

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Rana's POV

"What are you doing here?"he questioned.

'Great just great' I thought. My life just got better....... NOT.

He was staring at me waiting for my answer.

I looked at my desk,not wanting to look at him.

Maybe if I ignore him he would just leave.

But I was wrong.

"Answer me now....., are you here to argue with me?"he asked

I shook my head as no.

"Ohhh wait I know why you're here" he said.

I gave him a confusion glare, he had evil smirk on his face.

"What?" I questioned him.

"Well you came to apologize and go ahead and apologize" he said crossing his arms.

I gave him a weak smile which made him wondered.

"What happened?...... I am still waiting you know" he said as he put his hands on the desk and lean closer and said "I am waiting".

I move back didnt want him any closer.

"Never" I whispered enough so he can hear.

He punched the desk with angry I looked into my left and saw Mr.Kraski heading towards us.

"What' going on in here?" Mr.Kraski asked.

He looked at us for a second and picked some papers of the flower.

"Ohh you guys met" he said while putting the papers in my desk.

"Thank you" I mumbled.

"Well David she is my new assistant, she is here for training" he informed him.

David looked at me for a second, he moved away from the desk and looked straight into my eyes.

David headed towards the room next to Mr.Kraski's office.

"I am sorry about his behavior, I dont know whats got into to him"Mr.Kraski said.

"Its fine" I said.

"What is he doing here?"

Was the only question that was in my mind.

"He is one of the best lawyers that works in here and a good friend of mine anyhow, Rana these are some of the important people that we're working with and please memorize their name's and their background by friday" he said while handed me the paper and went to his office. I nodded my head and looked at the paper,it was at least list of fifteen people. A feeling of worry appeared inside of, what if he tries to touch me again.

The problem I have with was that David guy I told him not to touch me but today he almost touched me again if I didnt move. I need to talk to him, if we're going to work together then we have to get things straight.

With confident I have inside of me, I walked towards his office which was far next to Mr.Kraski's office.

I was at his door, I dont know what or why but something was holding me back,it took me forever to knock on his door.

"Come in" he said.

I sight heavily before entering his office.

I walk in, his back was facing me, he was looking out of the window, I looked at the floor and cleared my throat to get his attention.

He looked at me for a second and walk to his desk and sat.

"Sit" he said pointing a chair in front of him. I nodded my head and sat down. an awkward silence filled the room.

"I know we had bad starting...I was upset about your answer and....." before I could finished he cut me off.

"Well, because of you I got into so much trouble" he said by his voice tone he was angry.

"And now you came to apologize, you think all my problems will go away because you're going to apologize" he almost shout out.

'Calm down its ok let him talk, calm down' I was getting angry he has no right to yell at me.

"You know what's even worse? I have to see you every day" he shout.

"That's it" I said as I stood up.

"I did not came here to apologize, I came here so we can settle things down, but I know now I made a wrong choice and......... you can just ignore me, just like I will" with that I walk out of his office.

I grabbed my bag and some papers and took the stairs to exit the building.

The Thin Line Between Us( Love and Drama) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now