Chapter 27

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Davids POV

There she stood in front of me the love of my life, yet wearing a dress to be another mans wife. I have done the same but didn't realize the pain I have caused her until now. It felt as if something had reached in, tore my heart from my chest, threw it on the ground stepped on it then put it back. The pain was so deep, so agonizing, so intense, My heart was mangled beyond recognition, My mind numb, racing in circles, unable to make sense of what was happening...was this couldn't be real, wake up, wake up...
I was not sure I could use my heart again. I was not sure it could heal. I was not sure I could live...I was awake, living, but slowly, emotionally and mentally dying...

My hands turned into a tight fist ready to punch whatever object I would find but didnt. She accepted Yusuf proposal and her friends words stuck on my head repeating every seconds in my mind.
'I bet Yusuf would like this dress on you'
Even just thinking about her being someone else wife drove me crazy. I cant let this happen, I needed her and she needed me.

At that moment I wanted to grab her hand and run away and leaving all of our problems behind, but I know I couldn't I had responsibility to take care.

Kate was in another section searching for a gown and Ranas friend was no where near so I took this as an opportunity.

I walk towards Rana and grabbed her hand and dragged her to a fitting room, she was fighting to stop me but failed. I locked the door behind me and came closer to Rana.
Ohhh God she was breathtaking, I pushed her against the wall both of my hands holding hers tightly. I was angry.

"You cant marry Yusuf" I growled with anger. I stared at her beautiful face, I couldn't let anybody have her. She was mine and that was the end of it . I don't care if I have to marry Kate, I cant let go of Rana. I needed her she was the blood in my veins that kept me alive.

"None of your business who I'll marry" she was angry as well. I pushed her one more time, she was making my blood boil out of anger.

"It is my business, Rana I love you too much to let you go" I said as getting closer and closer to her lips.
Oh God knows how long its has been that I was craving for those lips.

Before I could kiss her I saw a tear in her eyes dripping down in her cheek. I know I needed to stop and so I did.
I let her hands free from my grip and next thing you she pushed me and then slapped me. I sight heavily and looked up to see her standing staring at me with wide eyes. The slap or the push she gave is nothing compare to the pain I feel right now. I hurt her again, I hated myself but again its hard to control myself around her.

"Leave..." She whispered. I moved forward to apologize but this time she looked at me with anger and yelled "Leave now...."

I closed the door behind me and was about to go but stopped as I heard Rana's cries. I punch the wall that was near me and walked out.
'Its all because of me'

I called Kate and lied to her that I had a meeting that I had to attend. To my surprise she was ok with it.
I couldn't stay there and pretend that I was happy but most importantly I couldn't watch Rana choose her dress to be another mans wife.

I was at the bar with Alex. I already had two bottles of beer which was enough for me didn't need anymore. I didn't know how to ease my pain, drinking didn't helped either. Even though there was a loud music playing in the bar but for me everything muted and was frozen. I snapped out of my thoughts when Alex's spoke.

"So you're saying Rana accepted Yusuf's proposal?" Asked Alex, I looked up and saw him sip his beer. I didn't  have the voice to say 'Yes' so I just nodded my head.

"David I don't know what to say man, maybe its for the best" he said while patting my shoulder. I gave him a death glare, its not for the best I love her and I know for a fact that she loves me as well. I couldn't let her go even just the idea of it KILLS me. Call me selfish but I cant let her go.

I had to stop her, stop her for making a mistake by marrying Yusuf. She's only marrying because she wants to forget me.

I said my good bye to Alex's and took a cab. I wasn't drunk but again it is better to be safe than sorry. I gave the address to the driver and after twenty minutes the car stopped in front of Rana's apartment. I paid the driver and dialed Rana's number and waited for her to pick, after second she picked up.
"Hello?" She said more questioningly. Her beautiful voice was music in my ears.
" Come in front of the apartment, I need to talk to you" I said and waited for her answer.

"I cant" she said

" If you dont I will make noises to wake up everyone at this building so you better come" with that I ended the call.

After five minutes she was in front of me, her beautiful eyes was the key to my heart, her lips were the key to my mind and at last her heart was the KEY TO MY LIFE.


                ~~~Thank You~~~

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