Chapter 34

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Rana's POV

Two days have passed and in this two days somebody is sending me white roses every two hours. There is no note or card on the flowers and when I ask the delivery man they dont know either. I was at the small lake that was near my apartment.
As I was staring at the beautiful view in front of me, kids are running with their siblings or with their friends and couples are holding each others hands. At that moment I notice that in this life I was alone.
I had no siblings no friends that were near me and the man that I still love was gone....A tear dropped from my eyes as remembering him again.
My heart aches as always and my heart, my mind and my soul wants him. He was gone I have to accept it but for unknown reason I cant........
He is probably happy with Kate maybe even had another child.
I know that I would never marry another man, I just cant my heart still belongs to him. I whipped my tears I had to be strong, but Allah knows my heart was already weak and tired.

A sound of thunder awakes me from my thoughts, as heavy rain took over the sunshine. I looked around and there was no one except me. Whenever I feel lonely or sad rain always calms me down and that is why I love to watch rain.
Heavy rain, sheets of water falling from dark skies, flooded streets, unnatural darkness of the afternoon, rain beating down flamboyant trees, sky hot silver, lightening and thunder, storm overhead, storm far off over the buildings, glorious clouded sunset, unpaved paths awash with mud, sinking sun shot through layers of grey cloud, streams and rivers swollen, innumerable little cascades over rocks.

I looked up in the sky and cried. Cried because I was broken and miserable. I missed him, I missed him so much. I know it was wrong for me to think this way, but it is so hard for me to do so.
'I missed you' I whispered as crying.

"I missed you as well" I heard a voice, behind me. The voice sounds so familiar as if it was his David, I was probably thinking in my head. It can't be him, can it?

"I missed you soo much" he said again I slowly turned around to see who it was, shock all I was he was standing in front of me  in the heavy rain. I walked closer and closer to him still not believing that it was him. I was probably hallucinating.
With my right hand I touched his cheek. I quickly moved back shaking in nervousness.
I couldnt move, I couldnt find any words to describe this feeling all I know that I was shaking.
"Rana its me David" he said as he step forward. My eyes were open, my heart beat raised faster and faster every seconds. I was mixed with emotion and feelings that were unknown.

I hold my right hand on my chest as pain took over my heart, the reality struck me. He shouldn't be here, he has a wife a child. How and why did he found me. I wasn't ready for this, even though how much I've missed him. I have to let him go, but why after so long he came to find me.
I didn't have courage to ask him 'Why?' so I just stood there quietly. Yes I was the one who left him, but for a reason.
"Rana? Rana?" He called as I snapped out of my thoughts. As examined him, he looked different his eyes looked tired his face was more matured.
"I missed you soo much Rana, I still love you soo much.." before he could finish I hugged him. Allah knows how much I missed him as well, how many days and nights that I spend him in my mind and heart.
I hugged tight as afraid of letting go, he hugged me back. At this moment I wanted the time to freeze and I can stay in the hands of my love. I realize now that I never even one second forgot about him.

We both retrieve from the the hug, the heavy rain continued but for us it didn't matter. We want to enjoy each other we just stare each others eyes. He was holding my hands, but then reality hit me. A heavy pain appeared in my heart, he was married. I moved back and removed my hands from his hold. He looked at me giving ma a sad expression.
"You're married........ We cant...this is wrong," I cried.
"Rana listen..." Before he could say anything I cut him off.
"No...we cant I am sorry David... This is wrong you have a child and your married" I said as I turned to walk away but fail as he catch my hand and spun me to face him. Now we were inches away. My tears were non-stop flowing with the rain.
His both hands cupped my face and kissed my forehead.
"I never got married" he said with a smile.
My eyes widen as hearing his words.
"On the wedding day Kate confessed everything, the pregnancy was fake her and my mother planned everything.... after hearing this I went straight to your apartment to find you but your friend told that you moved and I've read the letter as well......I searched for you everywhere but I couldn't find you..." he said but for me I was wrecked for two years I blamed myself for everything for loving him for trying to forget him. I felt guilty because of his unborn child, but all was a big lie.
I didn't whether feel relieved or sad,I just stood there taking all in at once.

The heavy rain was stopped as the sunshine replaced the dark clouds in the sky. 'There is always a light after darkness' I thought as smiling.

"Rana and also a year ago I converted to Islam..." he said looking into my eyes as if waiting for my reaction.
"Alhamdulillah " all I can say, I was beyond happy, I smiled and looked straight in his eyes.
"Rana Kaya I have one more question to ask you......" He told.

I looked at him with a puzzled face, he was now on his knees on his right hand there stood a small box inside a ring. My heart increased its beats, I was nervous not because of fear or anything but because In Sha Allah we will be together.

"Rana when I first saw you at the conference, I knew you were the one, it took me a long time to understand that but I knew you were the one and only. I love you Rana and I know we had heartbreaks and sad times but Alhamdulillah we managed it thru and right now I want you to be beside for the rest of my life as my wife..... Will you marry me?" He asked as he raised himself.
I smiled and looked at him.
"Yes, Yes" I cried but this time with joy. He placed the ring on my finger and kissed my hand hugged me.
We were finally happy after heartbreaks and all the fights we had but Allah always had greater plans for us.

One more chapter to go and then I am done In Sha Allah.....

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