Chapter 10

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I have a picture of Rana

Rana's POV

After I finished praying I went back to my desk .

I closed my eyes and the only thing that flashed thru my mind was his eyes his dark green eyes. I shook my head in disbelieve and opened my eyes.

What was that about? I though. I was cut off of my thoughts when I saw Mr.Kraski heading towards my desk. I quickly stood up from my seat.

"Hi Rana how do you feel?"he said as he stood in front of me.

"Hello Mr.Kraski I am fine sir" I replied without even looking at him. It was silenced for a minute, I can feel Mr.Kraski staring at me.

"Rana may speak with you in my office please" he half whispered. I nodded my head but I was confused why did he wanted to speak with me in his room.

"Its important" he said before walking to his office.

I followed behind him, he closed the door and sat front of me.

"Please sit" he said as he pointed to the chair in front of him, I sat waited for him to speak.

"Rana I dont know why you wanted me to delete those security videos, thats was the only evidence against her, we had to lock her in jail, she hurt you" he said as he stood up from his seat.

Oh so this was about Jane, the girl who pushed me to the wall.

"Mr.Kraski I am sure she didn't wanted to hurt me, besides the only reason why she did it, its because she was jealous and she was mad at you sir" I said as I looked at him.

"Thats the problem, I dont love her she doesnt get that, I dont deal with love"he said as he slam the desk.

My father used to say 'You'll never whats going to happen next in life' Ismiled as I remembered his words.

"Mr.Kraski I should get back to work" I said as I stood up from my seat. He came near me and looked into my eyes, I looked away it feels uncomfortable....but with David it was different it felt like.... I shook my mind of from the thoughts.

"I am sorry if I scared you.." he said without even breaking his gaze. I nodded my head and start walking until he stopped me.

"Rana"he said while grabbing my shoulder gently which I moved back immediately.

"I am sorry I forgot....on thursday there will be an event which all the employees should attend, also Martin Stasi will be attending the event" he said. I nodded my head and walk out of his office.

I went to my desk and closed my eyes for a second and sucked the air in.

When I opened my eyes I saw David staring at me, I quickly pretended looking for something.

The only way I can forget him is by ignoring him an thats what I am going to do. Once he left I sight of relief.

I checked the time and it was five pm, I packed my bag and left my desk. I was ready to leave, ready go home and relax I was almost going to exit the building when I heard Jordan calling my name.

"Rana, Rana" Jordan called, she was out of breath she must be running.

"Yes Jordan?"I questioned she looked at me for a second before continuing.

"Can you do me a huge favor please please." she said as she put her both hands in begging position.

"Yes sure what is it?" I asked. She showed me some papers.

The Thin Line Between Us( Love and Drama) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now