Chapter 23

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Hey Guys Here is an UPDATE

Rana's POV

I did not know how I arrived home last night, but all I know that I was hurt, and broken. My heart was shattered into pieces. The pain and the wound that he caused me, never will be healed, and I will never trust any man especially him ever again.
'Ohhhh Allah how can I be so naive..... Forgive me please'

My eyes are probably burning red now, my mind was num keep repeating his words over and over in my head.
'You're a mistake'
I called the office this morning letting them know that I will be taking the day off. I just cant face him yet, at least not today. Adina was up all night beside me. Hugging me and trying to ease my pain but didnt work, eventually she had to go University she didn't wanted to but I told her that I will be fine.

Hours have past and I am still in my room sitting and resting my head on the window. Just absorbing outside, it's was a rainy day. I love rain it calms me down everything about rain. The whispering hum as sheets of precipitation plummeted to the water-forsaken ground, the often unanticipated flashes of lightning or the rolls of ominous thunder. I loved it all. Those facts were what truly created, in my opinion, a perfect rainy atmosphere. It seems like the rainy day is expressing my feeling to the nature. I closed my eyes and yet another tear dropped.

Sitting and crying is not going to help me to get better. I grabbed my phone and jacked. I checked my hijab in the mirror to make sure no hair is shown, I saw my own reflection which scared me, my eyes are burning red, under my eyes are dark since I didn't have proper sleep. But all this is nothing comparing the pain I have in my heart. I shook off my head and walk out the door heading to my hiding spot the park.

After couple of minutes of driving and parking my car. Entering the park, a slight breeze rustles the leaves making them fall to the solid ground one by one.The air was cold. Flowers are vast, and they conceal the freshly cut green grass. The pathway is nothing more than dirt littered with random rocks. There were nobody in here due to rain. I didn't care if it was raining or cold. I needed this, my mom had to told me once that angels would carry every drop of the rain. As I felt the rain contacted to my body I shivered. I sat on the bench, pulling my knees together to my chest and rest my head on my knees and listened to the sound of the rain and nature.

I didnt how many minutes I was there, but as soon as I felt a tap on my shoulders, I quickly got up and was shocked seeing him in front of me.
"David" I whispered more to myself.
'Wait how did he knew I'll be here' I thought and then I remember the day I brought my father to the park which he was here too and thats probably it.

I turned to leave, I didn't wanted to see him, but before I can leave he grabbed my wrist and turned me towards him.
I quickly retrieved my hand didn't want his touch not anymore. Now facing him I just stood there my clothes soaking, my heart was broken and my mind was num.
I had so many questions in my head but now its all gone. I just froze in the spot. We looked in each others eyes, this time I looked at him with hate instead of admiration. Alhamdulillah it was raining because I can feel my tears are gathering. My words were lost, my mind out its place, all I can do is just stand. My wounded heart still wants him but this time I am fool to no one especially not him.

"Rana.... I knew I can find you here" he said, his voice was low and sad, he started getting closer but I moved back. He looked at me with hurt expression which was ironic since he is the one who hurt me.

"I never wanted to hurt you..... Rana I am so sorry I had to end this, end us" he said in a low voice never living my gaze. At that moment I wanted to believe his apology, I wanted to asked him 'Why?', but I am not going to not anymore. I shook my head and finally after a minute I found my voice.
"Leave me alone..and dont you dare touch me again" I yelled, without even knowing tears appeared. His head was down and looked back up into my eyes. He stood there just watching me, I know he wants to tell me something but I turned to leave but stopped after hearing those three words.
"Rana I Love You" he yelled.
I was shocked my heart was relieved but my mind was mixed with emotions, I didnt know whether to be happy or sad,  smile or cry. I just knew I was shocked but then remembering his 'You're Mistake' my blood boiled and angered filled my body, I turned and stood in front of him. I looked at him and slapped him. A loud thunder roaared.

"How dare you? dare you play with my  feelings, how dare you play with my mind dare you play with my HEART" I hit him in his chest with both of my hands  and I screamed the words even though he was in front of me and a loud thunder roaar thru the sky.  He just look down and I slowly sunk down on the ground repeating 'How dare you?', until everything turned black.


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