Chapter 2

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Rana's POV

I let the cold water hit my face. I was shaking of anger as I remembered his words 'Peace'.

I started to punched the wall.

"What kind of Peace, would kill thousand of innocent people" I whispered while letting tears take control.

I look at my phone to check the time. It was 2:30 I still have an hour before heading to the hospital.

I walk out the bathroom and headed toward exit door.

I just wanted to get out of here as fastest as I could, almost there.

"Miss. Kaya my office now" ordered Mr.Morrez,he was our principle, he was in his late fourties.

I walked beside him and stopped in front of his office.

We walk in and he pointed me a chair to sit.

I sat and waited for him speak.

"Miss.Kaya I am so disappointed in you" he said.

"What have you done was horrible" he said.

"No sir its called freedom of speech" I said and then he shook his head and smiled.

"Well.." He was interrupted when we heard a knock on the door.

"Come in" he called.

I saw a person least expected to see.

"Ohhhh David,please sit down" Mr.Morrez said.

He sat beside me.

"Mr.Stasi I am sorry about what happened" Mr.Morrez apologized.

"Its not your fault Mr.Morrez" he said while turned his head toward me.

I rolled my eyes, I know what he wants.

"Ok, Rana I think you own an apology to Mr. Stasi" said Mr. Morrez.

"Excuse me?" I cant believe he wants me to apologize.

"Mr. Morrez you know I'll never apologize, besides it wasn't my fault" I said and then stood up.

"Mr.Morrez can you please leave us alone for a moment" said David.

Mr.Morrez nodded his head and walk out of his office, leavin me and him ALONE.

I was scared, this was going to be my first time being ALONE with opposite of my gender, I never look at a man in eye either, the only man that I made eye contact was my father.

I look down staring at my heels.

"What is your problem?" he asked.

I kept my silence didnt want to argue about anything.

"Look at my face and answer me" he yelled, he was really angry.

I look up at his face.

"I dont have to answer you" with that I turned and walk away, suddenly I felt him grabbing my arm and spun me around to face,he was still holding my arm.

Now we were close our faces were inches apart, we were staring into each other eyes. He was studying my face and thats when I realize that this was wrong,so I did the only thing that came to my mind.

I slapped him.

"Don't you ever touch me again" with that I grabbed my notes and walked out the office.


"How is he?" I asked one of the nurses.

"The same" she answered with a weak smile. I thanked the nurse and headed toward his room.

Before entering his room I sight and smiled, I did not wanted to him see me in this situation, I was still angry.

'Calm Down' my inside voice whispered.

I entered the room, I saw him starring at the view in front of him, he was in his wheel chair sitting doing nothing but starring out the window. He cant talk, he can't walk, he cant give any expression. He just sits all day long.

I sat beside him.

"Beautiful" I whispered as we look at the sun going down slowly and appearing its beautiful colors red orange mixed together.

"Miss. Kaya" I was interrupted when a nurse called me.

"Yes?" I questioned.

"Miss. Kaya, you have five minutes" she said.

I nodded my head, I faced him and kissed him on his forehead.

"I'll be back Inshallah"I whispered.

With that I walked out his room.

After 15 minutes I parked my car.Opening the front door of my apartment I walk into the living room.

"Adina I am home" I shout out.

I saw Adina running towards me, she grabbed my hand and we ran into her room.

"Whats going on?" I questioned.

"You're all over the internet" she said while showing me a video.

My jaw dropped, it was me and the representative argument.

The Thin Line Between Us( Love and Drama) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now