Chapter 32

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I upload a Turkish song which I love.....

Hello awesome people how are you?
Here is an Update, I hope you enjoy it.

Davids POV

All I am is sadness, every other emotion pushed from my being. Where there was the love, the light, the laughter is an aching hollowness. I was honest, truthful and full of more love for her but I guess fate had other plans for us. Plans that ended up getting us separated.
I closed my eyes and sight heavily. I can do this I thought to myself. It was my wedding day but again it feels like funeral to me. I have to do this for my unborn child.
I have searched Rana everywhere but couldn't find her. She was gone, she sacrifice her love for my unborn child. It kills me, I missed her so much now exactly I know how much I love her. I was cut of off my thoughts when I heard a knock on the door.
"Come in" I said and turned to see who it was.
It was Kate, thats odd she was in her normal clothes instead of wedding dress.
"What is it Kate?" I asked
"I wanted to ask you something before we get married" she said as she look at me.
"Go ahead" I answered.
"Do you love me?" She asked, I was shocked I mean she already knew the answer why ask?
I look straight in her eyes and answered "No"
A tear escaped from her eyes and smiled. She came closer and hold my right hand.
"Are you still in love with her?" She asked. I leg go of my hand and answer "Yes, very much"
More tears came in eyes she whipped them quickly and looked up to meet my  eyes.

"David I...... I am not pregnant" she confessed, shocked all I was.
I didn't know weather to be angry or relieved. I stood in my place as trying to process her words. I was stuck in my place the words were also stuck in my throat as well. This whole time I have been hurting Rana for nothing. My hands turned to fist automatically. Anger was filled my body making my blood boil.
"Why...what about the ultrasound pictures and the result papers?"I asked
"All were fake the ultrasound pictures from my pregnant friend and the result your mom handle it...... When you ended our relationship I was scared and called your mom..... She filled my head that you were in love with me but didn't realize it, so me and your mom planned this pregnancy" she said.
Of course mother would do that, she didn't care about me or my dad she only cared about her reputation.
I ran my hands thru my hair and at that moment mother walk in the room.
"Kate you're still not ready?" She said as she came closer to where we were standing.
"Whats going on here?" She asked as she exchange looks with Kate.
"How could you?" I finally spoke.
"What do you...."before she could finish her sentence Kate spoke.
"I told him everything" she said as she looked at up from my gaze to mothers.
"Son its not what you think" mother said as came closer now facing me.
"You ruin my dad's life, now it was time for mine, you don't even know the meaning of love do you?" There was no point for me to yell or scream at she wasn't going to change.
"What are talking about?" She asked pretending.
I shook my head in disbelief, of course she wont accept it.
"I love Rana and she will be my wife one day and nobody is going to change that not even you mom" I said as I storm out of the room.

I am coming for you Rana where ever you are I am coming for you my love.
Was the words that I kept on repeating.

Two years later........

Weeks have turned to months and months have turned to years. There was no track of Rana. I looked and searched for her everywhere but nothing.  I asked her friend her old roommate but she told me she sends emails and thats it, no address no phone call. I visit her father every Friday after juma'ah prayer at the Mosque but the hospital wont allow any information given about their patient or their family members.

It was almost a year since I accepted/converted to Islam and I loved it. Since I was in peace as in mentally and physically. I even change my name to Davood but still people who knows me call me David.
As each day passed my hopes and dreams fades little by little. What if she forgot me already and moved on?. The questions were eating me alive.
'Astaghfurullah' I whispered.
I missed her so much, if Allah wills one day if we cross each other I am not letting her go again in my life.

I walked into the hospital room as always there he was, sitting on his wheelchair and looking out the window.
"Asalamu Aleykum" I greeted him and sat beside him. His face expression didnt move a bit, those brown eyes were in deep thoughts, thoughts that I would never understand. I can tell he went thru alot in life, his scratches and mark explains it. He was quiet as always, I told him about my day and how much I missed Rana.
At the mention of her name he smiled. He was somehow making new progress. 
A knock on the door interrupted me from my thoughts. It was one the nurses I hired to get the information about Rana, I know it was illegal but I have to do this to find her.
"Mr.Stasi can I speak with you alone?" She asked me. I nodded my head.
"I'll be right back" I told him and walk out of the room.
We are in the hall and she handed me a paper.
"This is all the information I found about Miss.Rana Kaya" she said, looking around making sure nobody sees us.
"Well you know what to do then" I said and walk back in the room.


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