Chapter 30

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I was at the park after taking my final exams, I had to come here to make decisions. Decisions that will both change our lives for good. For me life has been always a challenge weather good or bad. At the end I manage to stand tall on my feet 'Alhamdulillah' but this time it was different.

A year ago I thought I had the toughest heart, nothing will break it, no word, no feelings. I thought I was strong and independent. But today I realized that I wasn't. After all I was just a human. As the heart beats every second the pain increases as well.
My heart was broken, my thoughts and emotions were mixed with unknown feelings. Yet I had to be strong, I had to be for both of us. 'How did I end up in this mess?' I keep on asking myself.

In real world hopes and dreams can be crashed easily, hearts and feelings can be broken and shattered. The unspoken words and sentences can forever remain silence. No matter how hard it is to accept it, we don't have any other choice. I know loosing my love will be painful but we cant build a family over an innocent child. I have to burry all my feelings and forget about him.

As growing up I watch my parents looking at each other with love and desire. They respected one another, I knew that they were in love and I secretly wished to fall in love one day as they were.
I never thought that my life will be in this situation. I never would of imagine let alone think about it. I was not myself anymore the once strong Rana long gone, replaced with heartbroken girl. I was tired, tired of getting hurt, tired of feeling incomplete and alone.
I closed my eyes as hot tears were running down, each drop reminded me how painful and sorrow I was. Every heart beat and every breath I took hurt.
I whipped my tears and looked up in the sky. The beautiful sunshine was now replaced with grey clouds. The sky was tar-black and the large clouds were moving towards the sun. People ran for cover and umbrellas were opened as the clouds spat out their beads of water. Puddles began plinking as the rainfall became heavier. I quickly stood up and ran to my car.

After driving half hour I park my car and headed toward the building before me. It was still raining so I had to rush in.
"Hello Jordan" I greeted her and she looked up and walked towards me.
"I am so sad today is your last day I'll miss you" she said while hugging me. I hugged her back.
"I'll miss you too" I said as we both released from our hug. She had a sad expression, she was the only person here that was my friend, others were just business.
"I have to go now but see you later" I said as I walked towards the stairs.

It was now three o'clock in the afternoon. As always I was typing some business information to the system but my mind was still with him. I now realize how much he change me. When I see him my heart instantly beats faster than it suppose to and the air that breath gets stuck in my lungs. When he touches me a hot sensation appears making my skin burn. What I feel is wrong. He wasn't my husband, he is going to be Kate's husband. Even thinking about crashes my heart.

I stood up from my seat I checked my watch and had thirty minutes to say good bye to David. As I was walking the memories flashed back in my mind. The fights, the laughs and the heartbreaks. My intentions were never to fall in love with him. The more I stayed away from him the more I fall for him.

Today was my last day in this office as internship and end of my semester. My heart aches as remembering today will be the last time I will see him. I knew that we would never be together. It was impossible, but again Allah knows the best. No matter how hard life has treated me I became stronger and better. This is my test, its a test for forgiveness and that is exactly what I am going to do. His apology was unexpected, but I knew the answer to it. If all mighty Allah can forgive then who am I not to.

I knocked on Davids door and walked in. As always he was on his computer doing some work. He was so concentrated on his work that he didn't even realize that I walk in. I watched him, I didn't wanted forget him. I didn't wanted to forget his smile, his eyes, but I have to.
I loved him with all my heart but I had to keep it in me. We had to sacrifice our feelings and love for our reality.

I sight lightly and thats when David look up seeing me his eyes widen. He quickly got up from his seat and walk towards me.
I was nervous this is going to be harder than I thought. I looked up meeting his eyes. I wish time will freeze and we could just stay in our spots and enjoy watching each other.

There was a gap between us but David closed the gap as he took another step towards me. Ohhh Allah its like all the words were lost in my mind and my voice was muted. Finally after a minute I spoke.
"David I came here to tell you something important" I said never leaving my eyes from his.
"What is it?" He asked, he had a puzzle look on his face. I know that he was confused.
"We known each for six month and thru this time we had our fights and heartbreaks and I am glad that I met you.....when I first met you I thought you were uncaring heartless person but as I get know you I realize that I was wrong." I said, I look up on the ceiling to retrieve my tears from falling. I looked back to him, he was smiling.
"Anyways I came here to tell you that I forgive you, I forgive you with all my heart......" I finally said it, it feels like a huge rock was lifted from my chest. Next thing I know David was hugging me. First I wanted to push me but then again I couldn't resist my heart. I wrapped my arms around his back and let the tears take control.

I don't how long we were in that position, all I knew is that neither of us didn't wanted let go each other.
We ended our hug and he looked at me. His hands were holding mine, which I moved my hands away from his. I looked up as well seeing him sad, which broke my heart.
"I have to go..... Good bye" It almost sounded like a whisper but he herded.
"Take care....See you next week" he said. He didn't know today was my last day. It was better because he would stop me from leaving.
I walked towards the door and hold the door knob and looked back and whispered 'Good Bye'


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