Chapter 29

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David's POV

         I was at dinner with my parents at their house. Its been two years since I haven't stepped into my parents house. After the big fight I had with my mom and a year vacation that they took in Greece, I got distanced with them. I looked at my father who was quietly eating his dinner.

My father was a quite man he didn't talk much, on the other hand mom was opposite she was controlling and gets what she wants. As growing up I never seen my father look at my mom the way a husband loves his wife, yes he was nice and caring but his eyes never smiled for some odd reason. Sometimes I wonder how do they even end up together.
'Were they even in love each other?' I wondered.

I had to accept the fact that Rana was Yusuf's fiancé even though how hard it is, it was the reality. I gripped on the glass as flashback of Yusuf holding Rana's hands replayed in my mind, anger filled my veins making my blood boiled I gripped on the glass harder and harder. Until next came a sound 'Crack'
Both my parents rushed on my site. I looked down to see my right hand palm is bleeding. I must of gripped too hard on the glass but I didn't care all care is her, Rana.
Mother went to the kitchen and came back with first aid kit.
"Lets wash that blood first" she said as she examined my hand.
After washing of the blood, mom cleaned and bandaged the wound and wrapped it around.

"Thank God the wound wasn't so deep" said mom and went back to the kitchen.

Me and my father were sitting at the balcony enjoying the beautiful view of sunset. I looked at my right side seeing dad in deep thoughts. He was always zoomed out.
"You know I married your mother by force" he confessed. I was shocked, I knew my parents were distance from each other but this was unexpected.
"Stella's father, your grandfather forced me into this marriage...., he threatened me and then later I found out that Stella was in love with me and told his father that she wants to get married..." He sight heavily and looked at me. I was listening at the same time take all in.
"I didn't have any other options my mother was sick and needed money which your grandfather provided....." He continued a tear escaped from his eyes and whipped quickly and looked away. I didn't know what to do, this was the first time my father opened about his feelings. So I stayed quiet and continued listening.
" I was in love with someone else, her name was Amina she was our neighbor and childhood crush. Once I turned eighteen I confessed my love, first she stayed away from me but I never leaved her alone I confessed my feelings everyday until one day she confessed hers as well. She was a Muslim she never wore make up or fancy clothes and that I loved, she was pure and true. One day I lied to her that my feelings weren't real, that it was a bet I made with my friends to make her confess her feelings for me. She was heartbroken so was I...... Since then I never seen her or heard about her again until last week....." He stopped another tear escaped and this time he didn't whipped off.
"She..... she passed away two month ago, she never got married..... All because off me" he stopped, I can tell he was still in love with her. I wasn't angry at my father at all, after all it wasn't his fault. He was under pressure.
It was irony that me and my fathers situation and problems were close. He patted my back and looked at me.
"Son the only reason why I am telling you this now is because I didn't have a supportive father....., know that whatever decisions you make I will be there supporting you..... and also don't forget son life is too short for another mistake " with that he stood up and walk inside leaving me with my thoughts.

As soon as I went home I took a shower  and collapsed on my bed feeling tired and exhausted. My mind was thinking words of my father. He lost the love of his life and regrets the day he broke her heart. I cant even image what my father had been thru. No wonder he was always quiet and zoomed out in thoughts. I closed my eyes and let the sleep take over my body.

The Thin Line Between Us( Love and Drama) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now