Chapter 26

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Rana's POV

I absorbed the view that was in front of me, as the sun rose, the sky became a glorious shade of blue while it went from light yellow to a more intense color mixing in with purples and breaking-up the deeper shades of blue from the previous night. As all of the purple and deep blue faded away the sun took it's mighty position at the top of the sky shining so very blindingly beautiful. Even though there was sunrise, the cold air brushed itself against me, making my body shiver.
After my morning pray I came to the park I needed to think alone peacefully.
I walk slowly and thought about yesterday. Yusuf proposed me after the party which shocked me, in my eyes he was a good friend and brother.


Shutting the door of the car, I slowly walked towards the apartment, but stopped once Yusuf grabbed my hand gently, I quickly retreated. He probably saw it and apologized.
"Rana I want to tell you something" he said he was nervous I can tell. He came closer to me and automatically I moved back and the next thing I know he was on his knees a small box on his hand.
There stood Yusuf on his knees, a box in his hand inside a diamond ring. My eyes widened, my voice was lost my brain was numb, my heart..... Nothing I didnt feel nothing. I feel bad but I dont pretend.
"Will you marry me?" he said, shocked and confusing was writing all over my body. I wasnt expecting this at all.
"Rana... Say something" he said as he stood up.
Finally after minutes I found my voice.
"Yusuf I am sorry I cant" it came out as whisper but loud enough so he can hear me. He was hurt but I couldnt fake it, I rather die than hurt someone. I slowly turned around apologized and walk into the apartment.

End Of Flashback

This Friday will be my last day working as intern. A smiled appeared on my lips as I remembered when I first met David. Time flew by so fast, I snapped out off my thoughts when my cellphone ranged. I saw Adinas name on the screen.
"Salam" I answered, she was probably worried since I came to the park without her notice.
"Rana are you alright? where are you? Do you need me?.." She asked without stopping, I know she was worried.
"Calm down Adina I am fine, I am just at the park" I inform her, she sight heavy on the other line.
"Ok then, you know we have an appointment for wedding gowns for today at 6" She said, I totally forgot about it.
"Thank you for reminding me and I will get out of work early so I can come and get you" I said as we said our good byes and end the call.
It was good thing she remind of her appointment, as her maid of honor I was going shopping with her for wedding gowns, her parents were in Uzbekistan and she was the only child. Her wedding will be held after a month the reason is because Halits, her fiancé's grandfather has cancer and doctors told them he has less than three month to live, but again its all depends on Allah. Anyhow they want quicken the wedding so his grandfather can see his grandson wedding.

I walked slowly inside the building seeing everybody rushing and trying to finish their work. I walk towards Jordan and greeted with a weak smile, she smiled back and waved 'Hi', she was on the phone.

I was typing some documents on the computer that Mr.Kraski assign me to do, he said I can go early after finish what he assigned me. There was no sight of David, I guess he wont be here today. I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and was angry at myself for thinking of him again. It was time for me to focus on my work but I was worried, Where was he? Is he ok?. It was now almost four in the afternoon. I asked Jordan, usually David will call and let her know that he wont be at work, but today he didn't.

My worried fades as I saw David and Kate holding each others hands, my heart was crashed into pieces, I was angry and hurt he was hers, the pain in my chest increased every second as they walk towards my desk, my tears were gathering but I have to be strong, no more cries. He has the right to hold her hand, after all they were engaged to be married. There stood David with unknown expression in his eyes, he then let go off his hand away from hers.
"Kate you go ahead to my office, I'll be there in a sec" he said to Kate. She just nodded her head gave him a kiss on the cheek and then looked at me and went away.
I looked at the computer screen and started to finish my work so I can go early. I know he was in front of me watching every move of mine. He cleared his throat to get my attention, which I looked.
"I know about Yusuf's proposal" he said, shocked and nervous filled my body. I froze on my spot, 'How?, Why?'
I thought to myself but again I remembered they were friends.
"What was your answer?" He asked with angry tone, his hands were in a tight fist. I stood from my seat and came in front of him. Now we were face to face, my eyes never living his.
"None of your business, you have your own life I have my own" I said I didnt care if he was angry. He has no right to be angry at me, not anymore. He belongs to someone else. He looked at me and came closer now we are inches away from each other.
"Answer me dammit" he said with harsh tone. I tried to move back but he grabbed my hand, I tried to retreat my hand from his grip but failed.
"I dont have to answer anything to you,... now go your fiancé must be waiting for you" I said finally free from his grip and with that I took my purse and walk away.

Its been an hour, me and Adina were choosing wedding dresses. She made me wear white hijab because she wanted me to try on the dress as well so she can see how it looks.

Even though how hard I tried to forget the last argument me and David had I just couldn't. I snapped out off my thoughts when Adina spoke.
"Rana which one do you like?"  She asked, she had princess style wedding dress with Swarovski crystals. My taste is princess style as well but elegant.
I tried on the dress I chose, its a good thing that I had hijab on, because it can cover the chest area but the dress had long sleeves and was perfect fit for my body. I got out of the fitting room and stood in front of the large mirror. Adina was probably trying on different  wedding dress.

I stood there in front of a large mirror observing the wedding dress, it's beautiful. A tear escape from eyes, as I remember him again. Everywhere I go, everything I do reminds me of him. Now I realize that I fall for him and I need to stop. I was shocked as I saw the least expected person behind me which her reflection can be seen in the large mirror that was in front of me,  it was Kate.
"David look isn't that your assistant" she said I turn towards them and saw David walking towards Kate and then looked into my direction. I can see he was shocked his face was slack, mouth slightly open, body unmoving, and color draining from his face as he stare wide-eyed at me. He just froze in his place. I lower my lashes, I kept quite until my best friend Adina came near with her normal clothe.
"I bet Yusuf would like this dress on you,what do you think Rana?" She said with a smile. I looked at her in confusion.
'What is she talking about?'
Then I looked back at David which he had his hand in tight fist and looked angry. He was breathing hard I can tell from his chest, at that moment the only thing was on my mind is 'What is going to happen now?'


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