Chapter 31

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Three weeks Later......

David's POV

Its been three weeks since last I seen Rana. I didn't know her intern ended on the day she forgave me. There were a lot of times I went to her apartment  but as always return from her door step as I didn't wanted her to bothered or hurt her.
My heart ached as knowing she probably moved on and going to be somebody else's wife. It drives me crazy just even thinking about it. But this was my reality, the reality that both of us have to accept.
Today we will have a meeting with Yusuf's company. Its final that we are going to sign the contract. My hands automatically turned into a fist at the thought his name. Anger was running thru my vein and making my blood boil. I closed my eyes and sight heavily to retrieve my anger.

I was standing and staring out the window the heavy rain and thunder roar thru the sky. Dark clouds were gathering letting us know that there would be more rain. The darkness of the sky reminds of my situation. I felt as if I was in the dark searching for my light, light that have already escaped thru my hands.
     In four days I will have my wedding ceremony, it kills me but I have no other choice. I knew I will never be the same ,my heart only beat for one person and that would Rana. Even just thinking about her makes my heart raise. She was the blood that runs thru my veins. She was my hope and dream that would never come true.
A tear escaped as realizing how much I missed her. I knew exactly how my father feels now. I was torn from my other half.

Office phone rang bring me back from my thoughts. I picked and it was Jordan remind me of the meeting that would be held in five minutes. I ended the call grabbed my laptop and headed to the meeting room.

"Are sure about the contract,we can always turn it down you know" Alex spoke, I know he was concerned about me, because of Rana but I can not be selfish. Yusuf deal was good for our company so I can't be emotional. I have to make the right decision.
"Yes I am sure" I said seriously.
Yusuf and some of his employees came in room and greed us.
I saw Yusuf and thought how lucky he was.

After having the meeting, me and Alex sign the contracts. As everybody headed out of the room there was only me, Alex and Yusuf left. I saved all the notes and the documents on my laptop.

"So Yusuf how's the wedding plans going?" Asked Alex. Ohhh God I didn't wanted to hear the answer to this I closed the laptop and headed towards the door but stopped as heard Yusufs answer.
"What wedding plans? What are talking about?" Yusuf asked. I just stood there confused. I turned and now Yusuf sitting back was facing me.
"You mean Rana?" Yusuf said in confusion.
"Yes" Alex replied.
"She rejected me as soon as I proposed  to her" he said with sad tone.
But how can this happened she was trying on a wedding dress and she was quiet when I asked if she was getting married.
"What do you mean she rejected you?" I asked without knowing. Yusuf now faced me and looked at me.
"Yeah man I proposed to her on your engagement night but she automatically rejected me, I proposed to her couple of times but finally she told  me her heart belongs to someone else " he said.
My eyes widen and my heart ached at the same time relived.  Ached because I yelled at her and relieved because she wasn't getting married. She said no to him, but why would she hid it from me.

She loves me, ohhh God I love her.
"I have to go" I said as I placed the laptop on the desk and rushed out of room. I took the stairs instead of the elevator. Thank God the car keys were in my pocket.
"Cancel all my meetings" I told Jordan as I rushed out of the building and headed for my car.

She didn't accept it, She didn't accept it I keep repeating in my head. Her heart and love belongs to me now I know for sure. I cant take it anymore she is the one I love and desire. My heart my mind needs her, she is my hope and love of my life.

I was speeding, hell I didn't care either I have to see her. I have to tell her how I feel, how she makes me feel. I couldn't let her go this time. She was my everything, my life.

I parked the car and rushed to her apartment didn't care if it was raining hard. By the time I was at her door I was soaking in water.
I knocked on the door and ringed the doorbell didnt care if I was being loud. I just needed to see her. After a minute a girl opens the door. Her expression was shocked, her eyes were wide open.
"Where is she? I need to speak with her..... Rana" I said without stopping.
"She is not here" she said in low tone. I looked at her in confusion and walked in searching for Rana everywhere but no I couldn't find her.
Now I was at living room running my hands in my hair thinking.
"I am sorry Mr.Stasi but she left, she knew once you found the truth you're not going to get married....." She stopped I looked at her and then she took something out of her pocket and handed to me.
"She wrote this letter for you" she said as she handed me the letter.
"Do you know where she is?" I said
"No..." She said as saw a tear in eye.
I nodded my head and thank her and walk out the apartment.


I was at home debating my inner thoughts weather read it or not. Finally after three hours I started to read.

    Dear David By the time you read this letter I will be long gone. Gone for the best, I am sorry that I couldn't tell you the truth about Yusuf. I knew once you found out you will stop me from going and Allah/God knows my heart is weak to say no to you. David when you told me you were interested in learning Islam. Please don't let anything stop you. I wish I could have been there with you but there is something called reality that we both have to realize and accept.

Know that you will be always in my mind and in my heart. Allah/God knows how many times I tried to avoid you or hate you but the more I did, I realized the more I fell for you. You deserve all the happiness and blessing and may Allah/God grants your every wish......Good bye David......
                         Take care of yourself.....

I collapsed on the floor on my knees, dejected, swollen with emotions and realizations of my fate feeling of crushed and hopelessness. This was it she was gone. I lost her.......

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