Chapter 9

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I am so sorry I know it took me forever to update but please enjoy its not edit so please forgive the mistakes and THANK YOU



"Good afternoon" I greeted Jordan as I walk toward where she was standing. She seemed to be left out in her thoughts she didnt seem so happy.
"Are you alright?" I asked her, she turned to face me when she saw her eyes became wide open and rushed towards me and gave me a hug.
"How are you?, how do you feel, what happened?, who did this to you?..." she was asking me questions nonstop until I break it.
"As you can I am fine, thank you for asking" I smiled weakly.
She looked away and whipped a tear off her face.
"What happened?" I asked, I was concerned about her she was acting differently, she used to smile whenever we talk but now she looks mad.
"Its just..." she sight heavily and looked at me.
"its just Mr.Stasi was acting so differently since last week, he was screaming and yelling at us, I mean he was always like thus but this time it was even worse" she said I saw tears dripping down from her eyes, she continued on.
"And today he yelled at me front of everyone and said if I don't prove in my job he is going to..... fire me..... I need this job not for me but for my son"she said and started to cry. I hugged her and whipped her tears.
"Where is he now?" I asked, I felt like my blood was boiling as the feeling of anger surrounded my body.
"In his office" she whispered.
I nodded my head without even saying another word.

After walking four floor stairs I was finally in fourth floor. Without even thinking I walk inside of his office I knew I shouldn't I know this was wrong.
I place hand in his desk that made him turn into my direction, he looked at me with his dark green eyes.
"What is your problem?" I said, as I tried to calm myself down. He stood up from his seat and came beside me, now we were face to face.
"Answer me" I said as I tried to lower my voice down. This time I looked straight in his eyes. He moved closer and closer. I moved back to make space between us but the chair behind me wouldn't even let me move. He leaned closer and whispered "What is my problem?, thats funny... you were the one who break into my office" he said as he raised his voice.
"You know you don't know how to control your feelings, well let me tell you this, this is the real world and here in this world if you don't play the game by the rules then you'll loose, so to deal with it" he almost yelled.

I stayed quietly because I know if I speak I will never stop so I decided to just leave. I pushed him lightly, I started to walk to exit the room but stopped. I turned to face him.

"Sometimes you have to break the rules in order to survive and I care about people, I lost so many important people in my life and lived a life that you would never understand, when you were having fun with your family, while I was hiding in basement from the bombs, guns, soldiers....from your people but I've stopped running and decided to face every fear that I had and will have" with I turned and walk away.


"Sometimes you have to break the rules in order to survive and I care about people, I lost so many important people in my life and lived a life that you would never understand, when you were having fun with your family, while I was hiding in basement from the bombs, guns, soldiers....from your people but I've stopped running and decided to face every fear that I had and will have" with that she turned and walk away leaving me and my thoughts alone.
I stood up from my seat and kicked the wall.
"I was hiding in basement from the bombs, guns, soldiers....from your people"
That repeated in my head over and over again until I heard a knock on the door.
"Come in" I said.
"Hi baby" it was Katherine, I smiled as I saw her heading closer to me. She place a kiss in my lips and I returned it, as I kissed her I felt guilty I don't why but I did.
I stopped kissing her, she looked at me with confusion face.
"I am tired, thats all" I said, Kathy has been my girlfriend for a year now.
"Sweetie I saw something interesting, in the hall I saw a girl with her head cover I guess she is Muslim she didnt recognized me because she was too busy crying and rushing to the restroom, how pathetic right?"she said.
She was crying? I hold my fist tight and punch the desk. I made her cry, how can I be this cruel?.
"You ok sweetie?, whats wrong?" Kathy asked as she turned to face me. I shook my head.
"Katherine, I have tons of work to do can we talk later" I said coldly. I was angry, not at Katherine but at myself.
"Ok sweetie,bye"she said as she kissed my cheek and then left.
I needed to see her, its all my fault she didn't deserve to be yelled at.

I was searching her everywhere but she was nowhere to be seen. I was near by the storage room, thats when I heard someone whispering and crying something. I opened the door to peek who it was, I was surprise when I saw her Rana.
She was sitting on small rug, her hands were open. I wondered what she was doing this was new to me.
"Allah please give me patience give me strength give me power to be a good follower, forgive me for all my mistakes and my sins and please forgive my mother........Amin" she said as she placed her both hands in her face. I quickly closed the door and went back to my office.
What did she meant when she said forgive my mother? I wondered, there is only one way to found.
I quickly called someone that could answer my questions.
"Hello?" Jack answered. Jack used to work for my uncle.
"Hey Jack this is David I need your help"I said quickly as possible.
"What can I do for you Mr.Stasi?"he said.
"I need you to research someone past"I said and waited for him to speak again.
"Sure and who will that be" he said in serious tone.
"Rana Kaya" I said, I needed to found out what happened to her in the past.

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