Chapter 7

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Rana's POV

If running away would made me forget my past then so be it but the more I tried to run the more I get hurt.So I stopped running away and decided to face my past my problems.

I still don't know why my mother committed suicide , I've searching for documents evidence but no nothing.

'Depression of the war' was her reason of death, but I know this wasn't the reason of her death,something is missing, I don't know what, but I will found out not matter what will be the consequences.

I was cut off of my thoughts when I saw a girl walking towards my desk. Her black wavy hair was beautiful.

"Hi is Mr.Kraski in his office"she asked with sweet tone.

"No he went somewhere" I answered.

"Ok then I'll wait for him, I am Jane " she introduced herself.

"And I am Rana Kaya" I introduce myself too.

There was a moment of silence until she spoke again.

"You must be new" she said.

"Yes" I said without even looking.

"You look familiar though....its like I've seen you before" she said.

"I don't know, its a small world" I said.

"Yeah" she said.

She looked around its like if she was searching for something and then she stood up from her seat and start walking toward Mr.Kraski's office.

I am not suppose to let anyone near his or Davids office so I walk towards her.

"Excuse me ma'm , you're not allowed to go there" she stopped and looked at me with her dark brown eyes, second ago she was nice,but now she looks mad.

"He is cheating on me isn't he?" She questioned with an angry tone.

I was surprise, no I was shocked I froze didn't know what to do or what to say.

"Uhhhh...." thats the only sound came from my mouth.

"I knew it, I knew it" She cried.

I saw her crying, she started to kick Mr.Kraski's door. I watched her the whole time, I couldn't move. She was angry, its not because I am scared its because I remembered myself, I did the same thing when me and David got into argument.

"Please stop please" I said.

She didn't listen she continued on. I tried to pull her away from the door but the next thing I know, she pushed against the wall.

I felt something in my forehead, I touched it, it was blood.

I tried to get up from the floor but faild. I felt dizzy, my head was hurting but that didn't matter because I wasn't concern about myself I was more concern about Jane.

I looked up to see if Jane was fine, but she wasn't there.

I saw a person rushing towards me. When I got clear vision it was Mr.Kraski looking at me with worried eyes.

"Rana" thats was the only sound I heard before passing out.

I opened the door to my parents bedroom and saw my mom. I smiled at her but she didn't even notice me. Her black abaya was half ripped off her hijab was on the floor. Her eyes were red, because of her crying, her mouth filled with blood. I felt a tear escaping from my eyes. I tried to run towards her to stop her from committing suicide. I couldn't even move. She looked into my eyes. Next thing I know she push the chair letting herself suffer in pain until she was out off breath.

"Mamaaaa" I scream.....

''Its just a dream''I whispered.

When I opened my eyes I couldn't believe my eyes it was him......

The Thin Line Between Us( Love and Drama) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now