Chapter 17

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Rana's POV

It was one in the morning still no sleep Alhamdullillah it was weekend tomorrow. David was on my mind after the incident that happened early on this evening. I felt pain in my heart, when remembering his girlfriend hugging him. Ohhh Allah why him?. Why does it feels right to be with him eventough its wrong. I couldn't control my heart any longer. I dont know why I feel this way. These couple months have been very stressful and tired. My mind and heart was tired.
'Rana be strong, pray in the name of Allah pray' I keep reminding myself

I was distracted of off my thoughts when my cellphone rang, I walk over my working desk  and I checked who it was. Unknown number I usually don't pick up unknown number. So I clicked on the red button. Still after a minute it ring again, this time I picked up.
"Hello?" I questioned. My eyes widen as I realized who it was.
"Rana I need you, please Rana come outside" It was David. I didnt know what to do, how to answer so I just froze for a moment.
"Rana?" He asked, I was afraid to talk to him. I felt warm liquid running thru my cheeks realizing it was my tears.
Finally after couple of minutes I spoke.
"I cant" I whispered crying. I closed my eyes and I felt another tear drop.
"Rana please...... I need you please"he said he sounded like he was crying.
I need to end this I know its going hurt him and me but I dont have any other choice. I put on a hijab and a jacked and walk towards door.
'I need to end this for both of us'

I was in front of him neither of us speaking just lost in each others eyes, we both know we're hurting each other. 
After couple of seconds, I managed to look away, he walked closer and closer until he stopped few inches before me. I sight heavily knowing that he was so close to me but yet far.
"Why are you here?" I said harshly moving back a little. He looked at me with confused eyes.
"Rana I broke up with Kathrine" he said. I was shocked, I didnt wanted to know that, I didnt wanted to care but in honesty I did care.
He step closer and closer again and brushed my cheek with his thumb. I couldnt move, I was frozen in my place.
"Rana I want to be alone with you for just a day, a day where there is no one but us , you and me, I promise I wont do anything that you dont want me to do." He said with a soft voice.  I looked at him and gave him an angry expression.
"What do you think I am, I am not like your girlfriend nor your friend I am not going anywhere with you" I looked at him, he run his hand thru his hair while looking at me.
"I cant stop thinking about you" he yelled and continued " I never been this way, just one day  Rana and then I will leave you alone" he said the last word quietly. I hate myself for being this cruel.
I looked at him, hold my head high and said.
"I am not going to spend anytime with you, just because you broke up with your girlfriend doesnt mean that I am going to run after you, you should know me better" I said looking away and then back at him.
"Rana I dont care I will be waiting for at the address that I will text it to later, Rana dont you get it, we need each other I need you. He said while hold both of my shoulders. I quickly moved away. My heart beat faster by every seconds. I looked at him one last time before heading back to the apartment building.
As i was walking back I heard Davids voice "I am going to wait for you tomorrow".
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and walk inside the building.

It was 4 in the afternoon, I was protesting myself 'I am not going to go' I repeated in head for hours and hours now. Yesterday After I went inside the building he texted me the address.
My heart was out of place my mind was out of control I wanted to be with him, my eyes were now watery, I dodnt why and how but the more I ran from him seems like the more I was trapped under him.
'I wish I could easily forget him, hie eyes his stare his touch.' My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a knock at the door. It was my best friend, She gave me a smile before walking into my room.
"You're still thinking about weather you should go or not?" She asked as she was walking towards where I was near my bedside.
I nodded my head as an yes. She gave me hug. "Look Rana you know when I first saw Halit, I knew he was the one but then I got scared cuz he is from Saudi Arabia and I am from Uzbekistan , cultural differences but then I realize something, I willing to learn his culture, because I love him, even though he doesn't know that yet" she sight heavily. I looked at her and wiped her tear from her beautiful face.
"But we are different he is has different beliefs I have different which is very big in our religion" I said quietly.
"Well then teach him, show him maybe he will be interested, give him a shot" she said while smiling. I just nodded my head and think I know I was packing few clothes to my big bag.

I was walking toward wooden big house, its probably a house for campers . I was amazed by the garden and the beautiful trees. My heart was beating faster and faster every second until I knocked on the door. Which felt like everything stopped for second. Once he opened the door and saw him standing there looking at me with those eyes.
"I wasn't going to come......, but my heart led me here" I said quietly while looking straight his eyes, now we were just looking in each others eyes.

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