Chapter 14

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Rana's POV

I was in my bed thinking about him, his words, his apology. I didnt know what to do. I wanted to forgive him but something was holding me back.

I breath in heavily as I was thinking about him I was cut off of my thoughts ,when I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in" I said in low voice. Adina my bestfriend came beside me and sat on my bed.

She looked at me carefully.

"Are you ok?"she asked with worried tone.

I looked at her and thats when a tear drip down from my eyes. She hugged me tightly.

"I dont know what to do, I dont know what to answer him" I said as I cried.

"What is going on, what do you mean?"she asked in confusion.

"David apologized and he wants to be friend" I said.

"Rana do you..... umm do you like this guy" she asked.

I looked at her and gave her anger stare.

"What are you saying, are you insane, of course I dont like him" I almost yelled.

"Ok geez I just asked, calm down" she said.

"I am sorry I am just confused" I said while looking at her. She gave me another hug.

"Why are you so scared just accept his apology its not that hard" she said.

"Its not easy, I told you what he did to me, the words that he said I just can't, it's not that easy" I said while whipping the tears off.

" Rana maybe I wont be able to understand what you have been thru but you should start to let it go of your past and move forward" she said. I look at her and sight heavily, she was right I was stuck in the past. I needed to clear my head and think straight. I needed to get rid of this heavy lift of off my back.

I stood up and wore my hijab I needed to talk to him I cant handle this heave lift  anymore.

"You right I  am going to talk to him" I said

She gave me a smile and nodded her head.

"What time is it?" I asked while searching for my purse.

"Its 9:30pm" she said as she handed me my purse.

"Wish me luck" I said while heading toward the car.

After 30 minutes I parked my car front of his house, and hop out of the car. While I was walking towards his house I remember the horrible event. I closed my eyes and breath the fresh air. I knocked on his door twice and waited for him to answer. Finally after few minutes the door was opened.

Once he saw me his face turned into shock. We looked at each other for few seconds before I looked away.

"Mr. Stasi I know I should have called before...." I was cut off when his girlfriend appeared behind him half naked.

I Look away again my face was burning red from embarrassment I know I wasnt the who was half naked it was his girlfriend but still it was embarrassing to me.

"I am sorry Mr.Stasi I shouldn't be here" I said while walking away, but he stopped me by grabbing my arm.

He slowly turned me toward him, I was looking everywhere but him.

"Rana we need to talk, wait for me" he said. He went back to his house.

When he came back he had his car keys.

"Get in the car" I was shocked  and scared at the same time.
"Where are we going?" I asked before getting into the car. He came beside me and looked at me again.
"We need to talk about you and me so please Rana for once just do as I said please"he said gently and I look at him back and nodded my head.

25 Minutes later we stopped front of a small house. He parked the car and we got out.
I look around, we were in park.

"Look David, I came to talk to you..." before I could even finish he came closer to me. I moved back little to have a space between us.
"Rana damit why are you running away from me?" He asked his voice was raiced.
"Its called personal space, look David you should know that I take my religion seriously then anything esle" I said camly. He looked at me.
"I figured that, but why are you hiding your feelings why are you act tough to ignore your feelings, why Rana why?" He asked he brushed his hair with his hand, I could see he was getting angry.

Feelings are so far apart from my heart it would probably take me decades to confess my feelings. After my parents its so hard for me to open up my feelings everytime I try I will get hurt or even worse the person that I love will get hurt, so I learned to hide my feelings that way I could keep my heart safe.

"I am not hiding my feelings besides I didnt came here to talk to you about my feelings" I said.
"Then what is it that you want to talk to me?"he said, I sat on the grass. It wasnt that dark because of the park lights, then he came sat beside me.
I looked at beautiful moon and sight heavily.
"The reason why I am here its because.... I forgive you, I accept your apology" I said while looking at him with a small smile.
"Thank you"he said and looked at me back, all the sudden I felt his fingers in my face. My heart started to raise I couldnt move even though how hard I tried, he leaned closer and closer ever second. Somehow I managed to move my face away from him.
"We cant, you know that very well" I almost sound like a whisper.
He quickly got up I knew he was angry.
"Why cant we?" He yelled, I got up and faced him.
"I can't.....  you have different beliefs and I have differen, besides you have girlfriend" I said .
"Rana I dont love her"he said, he hold my hand.
"I never should've come, David I am sorry but I am not a toy to play around like your playing others, I dont have boyfriends and if I even have one it will probably be my future husband" I said with that I left.

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