Chapter 11

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Sorry Guys It took me forever to update and I am sorry
I was pregnant I had alot of going on in my life so please again I am sorry and thank you for your wonderful comments

Rana POV

Two days have passed since that event happened. Since then I've been ignoring him. I wanted to forget that day, his eyes, his touch overall I want to forget him. Whenever he tries to talk to me or get my attention I would ignoring him by walking away or turn my direction. I did what I could to stop thinking of him but there is no hope he is still on my mind. I know it is wrong, but I cant stop. I will learn how to forget I will get him of my mind.


Two days ago

''Rana'' David whispered as he turned my face to look at him. Our eyes met and he gently wiped my tears. Both of his hands were cupped my face. My heart was raising faster and faster as he was touching my face. All the sudden I felt guilty I felt hurt I shouldn't let him touch me, then it hit me faster then a thunder that this was wrong. I backed away, now he was no longer touching me. I packed my stuff and start walking toward the door, without saying any word.

End of Flashback

I was sitting at my desk doing finishing my work. Mr.Kraski and David were talking in the hall I can feel his yes were on me, if I look at him I would be lost in his eyes so the best thing to do is ignore him and thats what I did.

I saw Mr.Kraski and David headed towards their office so I took the opportunity to make copies.

While I was copying papers I heard the door shut and then there he was standing in front of me. I couldn't run or ignore him now he locked the door and came closer to me I pretended that I didnt see what he was doing and kept copying papers until he grabbed my arm.

"Two days Rana, two freaking days you've ignoring me" said David I know he was angry, but I needed time to think of whats is going on with me I know for a fact that nothing will ever happen.

I was looking everywhere but him.

"Answer me now" he said as he squeezed my arm harder which caused so much pain but I didnt show a bit, I dont want to look weak in front of him, I tried to escape but its no use.

"Let go of my arm" I said while not making any eye contact. 

"No not until you tell me whats going on" he said.

"I dont have to answer you, now let go of my arm" I  yelled.

Before I could even move he pushed me to the wall, we stare into each others eyes.Once again I am lost in his eyes .

I cant handle this, I felt a tear escaping from my eye.

"Please let go of me please" I whispered the last part he was shocked by words, he then let of my arm and move.

"I am sorry I just wanted to know...."before he could finish I cut him off.

"Mr. Stasi thank you for saving me on that day, the reason why I was ignoring you sir is because you're my boss and thats all there is I dont we should be even talking outside of business" I said coldly.

"Dont worry you're nothing but a assistant, I wont bother talking with you again, only business" he said.

Then he looked at me carefully, one last time, but this time his eyes were dark and cold.

"I can not wait until you're done working here so I dont have to see you again" he said harshly.

As soon as he said those words I felt like a knife was stabed in my heart.

I was still in the copy room, there were alot of feeling going on inside of me. I closed my eyes and whispered "I am sorry" letting tears take control. I wanted this I wanted him to stay away but.... why it hurts so bad?

Davids Pov

If she wants to be ignored then she will be ignored. I slam the door shut I sat on my desk.

What is wrong with me why do I care if she talks to me or not. Why do I feel guilty?

I was cut off of my thoughts when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in" I said not even paying attention who it was.


I look up and see John, he was holding a file in his hand.

"Mr.Stasi I have all the information that you asked for" he said while putting the folder in front me.

"Mehmet Kaya was one of the famous lawers who worked as a volunteer in Palestine then he met Reda his wife."

before he could finish I cut him off.

"I dont want to know anything about her" I am really mad at her.

"But Mr.Stasi these information......" again I cut him off.

"I dont care about this person anymore, now please leave" I said without even looking at him.

"If you ever change your mind, I will gladly give you the information, good bye sir" he said and left.

Thats it from now there is only one girl in my life and her name is Kate.

I was here at the event, every year we throw a party so we can honor Alex father who build the company, sadly he past away five years ago.

anyhow this place was stunning its Iranian designs, with gold colors sparkles everywhere.

The guest have arrived but one, her she not here yet its been 30 minutes since the party started. I should stop thinking about her.

"David" called uncle.

My uncle Martin Stasi governor of Israel was here to check up on me, even thou he said he has some business to take care of I know exactly why he is here.

"Come on David you need get married have children already"he said.

"I knew it look uncle tell mom and dad that I will get married one day" this was getting annoyong.

I was cut off when Alex called my uncle.

"Mr.Stasi I want you to meet our new employee." he said.

"Martin Stasi this is Rana Kaya" he said. I look at Rana she looked beautiful no breathtaking her big green eyes her full lips. Uhhhh I am doing no good for myself. I shook of my thoughts.

I looked at my uncle, weird he look nervous, he walked away without even saying anything.

I was about to leave thats when she stopped me.

"I am sorry"she said quietly and thats when we stare each other eyes and that's when I realized that even though how hard I try I would never take her of my mind.

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