Chapter 1

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Sorry guys I had some people told me that my stories were bad and stuff and I believed it but then I had people message me, writing me that I should keep writing stories.

So please message me or comment on what do you think about this story THANK YOU

I have a picture of Rana's outfit

Rana's POV

"Rana, wake up Rana" I felt someone shaking me to wake up. I wish I could just open my eyes, but I cant, even thought how much I tried to I just cant.

"Nooooo stoppppp" I screamed before waking up.This happens to me almost every night. Its been like this for 12 years, 12 long years having to see these nightmares, seeing my mother committing suicide. The sad part about it is these are not night my mares or my imagination these are my past.

All the sudden I felt hands wrapped around me. I looked up and saw my best friend.
"Shhhhh its ok every thing will be fine" she whispered.
I shook my head as no. She lift my face up with her fingers.
"Everything will be fine, I promise you" she gave me weak smile.
Silence filled the room but was interrupted when Adina spoke.
"Now go get dressed, today is the big day, remember?" she questioned last part. I nodded my head, I really don't feel like going anywhere but I have to. It was one of the important assignments that we have to do in law school, we have representatives come from different countries and we as students have to ask important questions and take notes. I got up from my bed and headed toward bathroom to take a shower.
After the shower I put on my clothes that I chose from last night for this day. Black skirt black topping and green hijab.
I checked myself in the mirror before leaving the house.
I closed the front door of my apartment.

"Ohh Rana wait" I heard my best friend Adina shout out.
"You forgot this" she said while showing my necklace.
It was my moms, it was written in Arabic, Allah which means God.
I smiled an hugged Adina.
"Thank you" I said.
"Good luck" she said while waving good bye.
Adina, she was born here in America but her parents were from Uzbekistan, she a outgoing, positive girl she studies medical school and I am studying law just like my father.

My father, Mehmet Kaya was a lawyer who volunteered to go to Palestine to help families and thats how my parents met, they fell in love each other and got married.

When I was six years old, my father went to jail because he was against the Israeli governors, two years later when I was eight year old, my mother committed suicide. I was send to orphanage, after staying in orphanage for four month, me and some of the kids in my situation were moved to America.

Anyhow its been 12 years since I came to America, 12 years of nightmares,12 years of suffer and struggle. I wish I could just left my pain in Palestine too but I couldn't, all my loved ones died or disappeared before my eyes. I snapped out of my thoughts when I realized I was already here at the University.

I sat at back of the room waited everyone to take their seat,I saw few of my class mates.

"Salam, Rana how are you?" greeted Halit and sat beside me, Halit was a Iranian who came to America when he was three years old. We met in law school last year and became good friends, he is like a brother that I could look up to.
"I am good how about ......." I was cut of when a man in his mid fifties stood on the stage.
"Good morning everybody, my name is Victor Vasilyevich, I am the Russian representative and before you began asking me questions I would like to thank, Mr. Morrez for his hospitality and his kindness, anyhow lets begin any questions" he said, he had a very strong Russian accent. This was going on and on and I just took notes didn't feel like asking question, until when we were expecting next representative instead something interesting happened a young man stood on stage.
Isnt he young to be a representative? I thought for a second.

" Hello everyone my name is David Stasi, I will represent Israel today and I know you were expecting my uncle Martin Stasi unfortunately he couldn't make it. so any question?" he said, I knew he was nervous because he was playing with his hand, we study peoples motions and reactions, so basically I know when a person is nervous or scared.
I saw almost half of the students was raising their hands.
He pointed a girl that is sitting front of me she has light brown curly hair.
"Hi, my name is Jessica Almond, my question is since the Gazi attack are you planning any war with Turkey?, I mean you already in the war with Palestine" she said and sat back to her seat.
That is very interesting question, everyone was waiting for him to answer including me.

"Thank you for your question and the answer is we're not planning going any war with Turkey and for Palestine we're there to make peace not war" he answered.
The answer made my blood boil in anger, it is not true I lived there for eight years, because of those Israel governors my father went to jail, I couldn't live my childhood not just me, many children lost there parents during the war.

Without think I raised my hand.
"Yes" he said and point his finger towards me which made everyone look in my direction.
I stood up from my seat, I look back at Halit, he gave me a confusion look, then I look up toward the stage.

"Are you sure you're there to make a peace?" I questioned him.
He gave me a confusion look.
"Excuse me?" he asked with annoyance in his voice.
"If you're there to make PEACE then why thousand of innocent people die.... Women, Children" I said this time I raised my voice, I was really angry.

"Everyone knows that Palestine is safe now" he said.By the look on his face he was angry.
"Thats what the media wants us to believe, I have one question, if thats ok" I questioned him, he nodded his head and said "Sure go ahead".
"Have you ever been in Palestine?" I questioned, he shook his head as no.
Silence filled the room, it was death silence, until I decided to break it.
"Then dont tell me that Palestine is safe or its in peace, We may own the name Palestine but we do not own the land because of your country." I shout out last part, with that I grabbed my bag and my notes and headed towards the exit until I heard him speak again.
"I will not discuss that with you in here" he said.
I shook my head in disbelief and walk out the conference room.

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