Chapter 20

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It was nine o'clock Monday morning, I was at my office thinking about her abut yesterday. I knew she has morning classes on Monday and I know she is here after 2 but I wanted to see her now. 'Guess I have to wait' I thought.
Today we have a meeting with Yusuf Abdulkhan, he is a CEO of Arabian Hotel in Dubai, he is also good friend of mine we met couple of years ago at the charity event that held for orphan kids.
He wanted to open up a new hotel in New York and wants us to deal with the procedures.
My thoughts were cut off when I heard my cell phone was ringing. I checked the caller id and it was Kate. 'What does she want now?'
"Yes Kate what do you want?" I asked while picking up the answering the phone.
"We need to meet up, I need to tell you something very important" she said, what could it be I thought.
"Cant you just tell me over the phone?" I asked annoyed. She has been calling me non stop for three days now.
"No....I cant please David meet me at restaurant that we always meet up for lunch"she said and waited for my answer.
"Fine after work at seven I meet you there" I said and hang up the phone.
All the sudden my thoughts drift back to Rana. On sunday she saw me half naked, she was embarrassed, I smiled as remembered her blushing, she was so cute I just couldnt hadnle it I had to kiss her but I remembered that I wasnt allowed to kiss her lips so I kissed her cheek instead. Ahhh those soft beautiful cheeks. I don't know how am I going to survive today, seeing her but not touching her kills me.

It was almost two I know she be here any minute now. Wait I checked the time, it was time for her prayers. I went in to the storage room to see if she was really there. I opened storage room and saw her praying. I watched as she was sitting on her legs and her hands were raised and opened, she was saying stuff that I dont understand.
"Mr.Stasi?" She spoke which made look in her direction. She smiled while folding her rug. I went inside the room and closed the door. She looked at me confusingly.
"Can I ummm....... hug you?" I questioned, her eyes become wider I know she shocked but I need to touch and feel her.

"Mr.Stasi we can't, and you know why'' she said.

''Its fine it just that I wanted to touch you and kiss you...''before I could finished she covered my mouth with her hand. In that moment my heart beat increased, my brain stopped working my body was froze. I wanted to kiss her so badly, feel her lips in mine, I wanted to have her all for me, I wanted her, I needed her.

I took her hand gently and placed a kiss, as always she removed her hand quickly out of my hand, when i looked at she was blushing. She touched her cheeks and walked out of the room quickly.

I checked the time it was time for the meeting. I walked out of the storage room and headed toward the meeting room. It was a long table on the right side, it was our company staff members and the opposite side was Yusuf Abdulkhans staff.

Finally after two hours of meeting we were finished and me and Yusuf went to my office for a chat. When the elevators door opened Rana wasnt in her desk, I wondered where she was.

''So, hows life treating you?'' Yusuf asked as he sat on the chair in front of me.

''Well its pretty good actually'' I said as I thought about Rana.

''Are you still dating the girl?, sorry forgot her name'' he asked.

I shook my head as an no ''No''

''Really? woow I thought that she was perfect for you?'' he said I know he must be surprise because, you see me and Kaitlyn were on and off relationship for three years, but the thing is she was always the perfect bride for my family. Jewish, Highly Educated and Rich, but my heart, my mind belongs to someone else now.

''No man, she is perfect bride for my family, especially for my mom but not for me''I answered, I smiled knowing the person who stole my heart. I wonder if I had the same affect on Rana my thoughts was cut off after Yusuf spoke.

''I am guessing you heart belong to someone else'' he said and smiled, I looked at him and nodded my head.

''Yes my heart, my mind is all hers......enough about me how about, did you found the girl you were looking for?'' I asked, last time he told me he was searching for his childhood friend but I am guessing its more than.

''After moving to Dubai, to run my fathers business I searched everywhere but couldnt find her''. Amir said.
Amir was born in New York but when he was fifteen they had to move back Dubai.
"Anyhow man I have to go I have alot if things to do." He said.
We both stood up from our seat and headed towards the elevator.

We were waiting in front of the elevator. I looked back and still no sign of Rana.
"Mr.Stasi, here is the file that you asked from Mr. Kraski"

The Thin Line Between Us( Love and Drama) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now