Chapter 13

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"Okay, Mr. Watts, you're all ready to go. Stay off of your leg today only and starting tomorrow, you're free to walk on that leg." I smiled. "Alright. Thank you." She nodded. "Let's get you a wheel chair and we'll have one of our nurses help you out. Kay?"

"Okay." Lyric looked up from her phone. "Umm, can this nurse be a male please?" I chuckled as did the doctor. "Yes." I looked at he. "What was that all about?" She shrugged and scrolled through Instagram. "I don't know. Did you call my friends?"

"Yeah. And your cousin and auntie." She smiled. "Really? What did she say?" He chuckled. "They're coming down and she told me to tell you that your grandma is coming." She smiled as I held her chin. "I like making you smile." She chuckled as a guy walked in with a wheelchair.

I got in the wheelchair as Lyric stood up. "I got it sir." He nodded and walked out. She pushed me out the hospital and to the car. She helped me up and in the car. A couple minutes later she got in the car. "No more propping your leg up." I chuckled. "I still can't walk." She rolled her eyes. "That's what physical therapy is for. The nurse gave me a cane for you so you can walk around on Christmas."

"Imma get my pimp on on Christmas. I gotta wear a striped suit?" She laughed. "No." We pulled up in the driveway. "Come on." I opened the door as she helped me out. I closed the door and leaned back on the car as she grabbed the cane. "Try it out." I took it from her and used it as my support.

"She unlocked the door and gave me my key. "Guess I won't be needing this anymore." I put the key in my pocket as I walked inside. I crashed on the couch. "What you want for dinner?" "You have kept me eating all this week. I'm kind of full."

She smiled. "Cooking at this time is a regular for me now, sorry." "Well come sit next to me." She sat down. "Wassup?" I kissed her cheek. "I don't know if I said thank you yet, but thank you for taking care of me all week. I would've thought that you would make Melody do it for me or something?"

"I would never do that. You're mine so I'm gonna care for my ole cripple ass baby. Plus you already told me this." "Oh sorry, you know that medicine got me a little whoozy still." She chuckled. "Are you always this silly?" I chuckled "Well... 366 days out of the 13 months, yeah."

She smiled. "I feel really dumb to say that it took me a minute to understand you added a day and a month just now." I smiled. "You need to pay attention during them online college lessons more." She laughed. "Just for you."

I leaned closer into her and kissed her. She put her right leg behind my back and her left one over my lap. "I can't move so we can't do nothin." She held onto my face and kissed me as we laid back on the couch. I adjusted my foot to where it wouldn't hurt. She ran her hand down my back as I started to unzip her jacket.

"Stop." I kept kissing her. "Stop." I didn't pay her any attention. "Stop!" She said as she hit the side of the couch. "Why?" "If we can't do nothin what's the point of us getting naked?" I nodded. "Alright, but when I'm okay, Imma do everything for you okay? Imma cook for you, Imma pleasure you, Imma do your homework for you, Imma bathe you."

She laughed. "I can bathe myself." I smiled. "Alright. Now, help me upstairs so I can take a shower." She stood up and followed my directions.


"Hey, girl. What you want done to your hair at 10:00?" Lyric sat down on my couch. "I need my Christmas time hair. I gotta look good when the family comes." "The family, what you mean?" She slid down on the floor as I grabbed the pressing comb. "Grandma, Auntie Clara, and Jessie's coming."

I smiled. "That's awesome. So why is Jacob doing this at his house anyway?" "I don't know he just told me to give him the number of everybody I wanted to come and I found Auntie Clara's number." She chuckled. "She hasn't talked to us since daddy died."

"I know. I can't wait to see them tomorrow." I smiled. "So what's your boyfriend doing?" "He was getting high when I left." I chuckled. "Imma have to be high to hear all of Jessie's nagging. I wanna bring Ryan just so she won't be talking to me about bullshit."

Lyric smiled. "Oh Chynaaaahhh, why don't you have your baby's favah heyuh?" I laughed. "Girl she does have that high pitch and drag out the words voice. Like Fran Drescher." She smiled. "I honestly just wanted Auntie Clara to come, but she don't go nowhere with her daughter and her daughter's 47 year old sugar daddy."

"Man he's gonna be in for a surprise when he see Grandma, tho. Cause she's white as shit and it's like I'm black." We chuckled. "But, you took on daddy's color. You know mama was like my color." I laughed. "You want red and green or just one color?"

"Give me just red. They gone be lookin at me like bitch why you a rainbow?" I smiled. "Curled?" She smiled. "Hell yeah." "Damn Chy, are you dying it now? Wait are you almost done?" "You know I do red first then straighten it. Now I just gotta curl it." I chuckled. "Thanks boo."

"So tell me why you really left the house." She sighed. "I think I'm pregnant." "And you haven't told Jacob?" She shook her head. "No. I don't know how he'd react and I'm not ready for a kid. Not with all that's going on with Skull and me still being a dealer." "And have you let him hit raw?"

"Yes and my period's a couple days late." I shook my head. "Ma, I'm pretty sure it's just a scare cause you didn't tell me you felt nausea or anything I felt." She nodded. "Should I take a pregnancy test?" I shook my head. "No, wait for a couple more days." She nodded as I patted her back signaling that she was done. "Okay thank you sissy." I kissed her cheek. "No problem." She walked to the door and opened it. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Alright." I stood up and walked in my room. I wasn't planning on going to the Christmas thing at Jacob's house, but, I see how much Lyric was looking forward to it and how much she's in love, so I'm only going for Lyric.

What's gonna happen at the Christmas party???

Jacob in the multimedia

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